thanks for the reply. I don't have another bluetooth keyboard to try, but this one that i have, it used to work fine with older OTAs. it still worked fine on my nexus 4 though.
...perhaps it's just this particular combination of devices then.
RE: Nexus 5 + Bluetooth Keyboard
Nexus 5 + Bluetooth Keyboard
There is a very annoying issue with bluettoth keybord ad the nexus 5. When i connect a keyboard, it works as expected with the exceptino that the context menu for whatever app i'm using ( the one that should pop up wth a long press or right click ) appears in the middle of the screen and can't be dismissed. If i click on close or press the escape key, it just flickers its way back to where it was. Sometimes it just keeps flickering. Sometimes it randomly brings up other menus and causes web pages to crash or do things I never intended to do. I checked the keyboard to see if there is a stuck key but it's fine; works normally on someone else's phone.
Does anyone else experience this issue ? Or could it be my specific device that doesn't work well witht ubports ?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 74 This Saturday at 19:00 UTC
- please pardon the seemingly hostile tone of the question, i'm not sure how to phrase this better. *
Will the new Pinephone/pinetab ports have the same limitations as the Nexus 5 and other devices, or will those ports feel more like real gnu/linux?
The read-only filesystem and not having basic things preinstalled like gcc, or being able to just apt-get the other useful packages in a convenient way is really annoying, especially when the 'real linux in my pocket' idea is what drew me to ubuntu touch...the libertine chroot stuff seems to only work best on paper.