Without getting political, I feel like Telegram is a strange choice as a community platform. I choose to avoid Telegram for political and personal reasons that I'd love to express here but this really isn't the place for it. I would like to better understand the relationship between Conanical and Telegram. Maybe someone could PM me and enlighten me.
My question, if ubports has its own messaging board then why does UT, who claim to give you the "freedom of choice", force their users to use what is basically proprietary software to get complete access to the UT experience? Not to mention Telegram requires "VERY" sensitive data to use their platform.
As it stands, one does NOT have access to the full UT experience if they don't have Telegram, creating segregation in the community. I would say that this goes against the essence of linux.
Wouldn't it make more sense to centralize the UT experience here at ubports.com? By being centralized, you aren't forcing your community to release sensitive data to questionable companies that are worth billions of dollars.
Or we could change "We want you to be free" to "we want you to use Telegram".
I'd be interested to know how people feel about this.