Legend - I knew it wasnt in the openstore, but the rest is new information
RE: Recommendations on a few apps
Recommendations on a few apps
Hi All,
New to UT and seeing how I can make use of.
I can see a lot of apps on the open store that are not available on my phone -im assuming they have not been updated? can somenone confirm thats what is going on?
Chasing recomendations and/or alternatives to deal with the following:
Mail - used to thunderbird in Linux - Any decent apps for my new (to me) 3a? (self hosted servers)
Sip (Linphone or equiv.)
I have a self hosted Nextcloud - getting calendars synced was a breeze (cheers whoever did that app) - is there anyting for a simple sync to contacts?
That would round out my neediness for now - any suggestions very welcome.
Tonka -
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi All,
Well not a developer - but a solid end user with a twist.
I have been 100% linux for about the last 15 years and now run 2 businesses with ~15 staff and both are 100% linux based (internal servers / desktops / laptops etc) we have a ban on anything windoze on the corporate network - so not the usual run of the mill workplace!, and Im here as im experimenting with UT instead of android starting with my personal phone... so I cant help with the developing, but im awesome at bug finding (my nic around another piece of software is "cornercase") and sometimes sponsoring development. Just bought a pixel 3a and got it up and running, so now looking around at what I can and cant do easily with it.