Libreoffice did work on my device, i installed libreoffice-gtk by searching from archives inside libertine. It is an old version though. Spent a very short time with the app, but it mostly seemed responsive. I am not sure if all features work. I haven't checked out impress and calc yet.
RE: Any way to run desktop apps?
RE: Linphone App Now In OpenStore
BTW this app opens just fine under libertine. Haven't tested it though. Any idea if it works?
RE: Detailed procedure for FluffyChat Encryption via Pantalaimon
Any idea how to perform step 8 on desktop app running linux? Not able to verify encryption mentioned in step 8, there is no option for "verify them in your User Profile" in the app.
RE: Linphone App Now In OpenStore
@CiberSheep I really wish I could help, but no technical experience whatsoever :(.....Changing my comment to "Eagerly waiting for it to work on arm64".
RE: anbox halium or waydroid no support for UT?
My waydroid init was interrupted, so i did these
apt remove waydroid apt purge waydroid sudo rm -rf /var/lib/waydroid /home/.waydroid ~/waydroid ~/.share/waydroid ~/.local/share/applications/*aydroid* ~/.local/share/waydroid
reboot phone and start the installation process again. My /var/lib/waydroid folder was not removed but re-installation worked fine !
followed from here: might want to stop the service before uninstalling too...check the original post.