Finally, it can be used! build ffmpeg_lib to ubports!
RE: appliction add ffmpeglib?
RE: appliction add ffmpeglib?
build ffmpeg_lib
bash>:docker run -v home/xxxx/netplay:/home/xxxx/netplay -w home/xxxx/netplay/libs/ffmpeg_source -u 1000 -e HOME=/tmp -i -t clickable/ubuntu-sdk:16.04-armhf
./configure --target-os=linux --arch=arm64 --disable-asm --disable-x86asm --enable-cross-compile --cc=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --prefix=/home/xxxx/netplay/libs/ffmpeg_source/build --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobebash:>make -j 8
vim CMakLIst.txt:
bash:> clickable clean build click-build launch logs
RE: appliction add ffmpeglib?
@AppLee Hello! I have an application based on FFMPEG. I want to compile it to uborts and rely on ffmpeg lib. I can't root to install ffmpeg lib
RE: appliction add ffmpeglib?
![0_1582890460083_2.png](Uploading 100%)
Did I get it wrong?
是不是我哪里理解错了? -
appliction add ffmpeglib?
How to add reference in application ffmpeglib?
怎么在应用里添加ffmpeg库? -
RE: QDir::entryInfoList() return is 0?
@arubislander Good morning, this is a program I use myself, which is convenient for my management of the server.
RE: QDir::entryInfoList() return is 0?
Thank you for your answer! I want to compile the program on my ubuntu computer to run on my phone. -
RE: QDir::entryInfoList() return is 0?
@dobey Thank you! I want to use my app like a computer!
RE: QDir::entryInfoList() return is 0?
clickable desktop Return result
app start
"." "/."
".." "/.."
"bin" "/bin"
"boot" "/boot"
"dev" "/dev"
"etc" "/etc"
"home" "/home"
"lib" "/lib"
"lib64" "/lib64"
"media" "/media"
"mnt" "/mnt"
"opt" "/opt"
"proc" "/proc"
"root" "/root"
"run" "/run"
"sbin" "/sbin"
"srv" "/srv"
"sys" "/sys"
"tmp" "/tmp"
"usr" "/usr"
"var" "/var"The real machine returns to 0
QDir::entryInfoList() return is 0?
QDir root("/"); qDebug()<<"app start"; QFileInfoList list_file=root.entryInfoList(); qDebug()<<list_file.length(); for(int i=0;i<list_file.length();i++){ qDebug()<<list_file[i].fileName()<<list_file[i].filePath(); }
//I need to list all the files in the root directory, I don't know what to do.