@advocatux Have got the container set up and apparently installed Firefox but nothing is showing in the scope on a M10 FDH with 16.04RC
@dave1152000 Hi, There is still a bit of work needed to get the scope working correctly, from what I've heard.
any command line way of starting the fox?
I had a play around,I think we are,trying to be ahead of the game, and should be patient and let the guys finish fixing the scope. -
@marathon2422 yes I agree. Still it's nice to know how far things have come on, and what's improving on a daily basis. Big thanks to everyone involved in the progress towards 16.04 stable.
@killerbee You have to:
1-libertine-container-manager list-apps (with this you will see a list of the current installed apps
2-ubuntu-app-launch packagename (for example, ubuntu-app-launch xenial_thunderbird_0.0)
3-after launching the app you can pin down in the launcher bar so you can access the app more straightforward -
This worked for me with ' Gimp '
Thanks -
Cool starting "works" however results are not too enjoyable. Interested in errors?
Like Firefox crashes and Libreoffice has some issues with detecting correct mouse position / responsiveness...
No Offense meant here, I am fully aware of your braveness and that we are on the edge here (or even beforebr and KUDOS
Thomas -
thunderbird works also, alas its UI is not meant for touch
@killerbee how you tried using a mouse?
@advocatux nope with the "touch mouse". Its cumbersome but doable
I have issues with connecting to external display.... I only get dark gray screen, no display on external monitor, but tablet "changes to mousepad"
UPDATE: After I connected an external keyboard ONCE it now is able to switch on the external monitor. This allows me to use thunderbird on the tablet
@advocatux external mouse attached via USB works nicely
@killerbee \o/
I am running 16.04 (2018-W27) on a BQ M10 FHD. I installed it via the UBPorts Installer with the -wipe optsion. When I run:
$ libertine-container-manager -i xenial
I get:
I: Retrieving InRelease I: Checking Release signature ... I: Configuring libc-bin... I: Base system installed successfully. ERROR: create_libertine_container(): Failed to create container libertine-container-manager:123: ERROR: create(): Failed to create container: 'destroy_libertine_container() missing 1 required positional argument: 'force''
Anybody else come across this error message?
I briefly switched to the Development channel to see if the experience was different there. Unfortunately it is not. -
@arubislander yes same message missing 1 required positional argument: 'force' 'Not that that helps you much of course.
No, not really
I will install libertine on the desktop and see if I get the same behavior. At the same time I will check if this issue has already been reported. -
@arubislander Don't think it has yet. Tried on laptop to nexus 5 from windows 10 now just testing from nexus system setting, can't try anything else till later. Also not sure of current libertine status.
Hmmm... don't think the libertine packages are in very good shape on the Xenial desktop either. I did:
$ sudo apt install libertine python3-libertine-chroot
to be able to install a libertine chroot container.
Then I did$ libertine-container-manager -i xenial -d xenial -t chroot
as the default on the desktop is to create an lxc container. It installed lots of things, and got further along than on the tablet, But at the end it said:
Refreshing the container's dynamic linker run-time bindings... proot info: pid 5345: terminated with signal 11
Which I am sure is not right either.
I see now that the libertine packages on the tablet come from the UBPorts repo, so I am guessing the project was forked, which would mean that the original issue has to be logged against the Ubuntu Touch project. -
It is possible that this issue here is related to what I am experiencing. If that is the case, then a fix should be on it's way soon
I have a legacy apps scope now