Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi i'm Alessio from Italy
I use a Bq Acquaris E5 HD with UT as my only smartphone
I'm not a developer, I'm just a user. I still hope to be able to help
Thank you all for your work -
hi, Andrew here. I use Ubuntu desktop and Ubuntu phone via an MX4 and just found out about Ubports. I've found Touch a bit mediocre to date, with a few too many niggles, and had heard Canonical had stopped, but seeing Ubports has renewed my interest! I just had a quick look at a few of the forums and appreciate you have some foundations to lay, but hopefully in time there will be some good development. I will see if I can do some testing in due course, if that helps (though I'm no Linux/Ubuntu expert by any means)
** Good luck ** -
Hi all!
I'm Ronnie (ronnietucker) and I'm the founder and editor of Full Circle Magazine (http://fullcirclemagazine.org). Now in its tenth year, FCM (as we fondly call it) is a free PDF magazine for all things Ubuntu. Including Touch.
I also do artwork. Both real world (pencil, watercolour, etc.) and digital (GIMP, MyPaint, etc.) and I'm hoping to install the UBports Touch on my M10 FHD.
If there's anything I can do to help just let me know.
Hi all,
I'm Erik from Germany and I've been following Ubuntu on my desktop since 9.04 and UT since it's beginning, bought an bq e4.5 and unfortunately sunk it in a river -.-
I've been watching UBports since it's beginning and allways wanted to contribute so i tried porting to an old tablet lying around (Samsung galaxy tab gt-p1000) however I'm not a dev so i couldn't even get it to build. Then time was running out and canonical came out with the bad news but UBports made me hope again so I want to try to help any way i can to make this project live on and succeed in the end ;-P.For this purpose i would like to combine my introduction with a proposal to all those who like me can neither help on the code side nor with money: Why not try to help with documentation? I'll open up a new thread with details for my proposal since it is a little off-topic here...
Thanks to all those who contributed or/and are still contributing to the idea or show their solidarity!
Best regards -
Hi All,
I'm Peter. I've used Ubuntu for over ten years and Ubuntu Touch on my M10 HD ever since it was launched and love both. I'm not a dev but am keen to see Touch thrive and grow. Hoping the same for Unity. As an end-user I'm keen for your project to be successful. If I can do anything I will. At least I'll be cheering you all on.
Hi all! I am a C, C++ and basic javascript, QML and HTML programmer. I own a bq E5 since OTA 7. I am currently learning the ropes of ubuntu touch developing to make an app(s) soon
I'm Mikhael, web developer from Siberia. Using Ubuntu Touch as my only phone OS for about two years now. So, first of all, thanks to the awesome community for keeping UT progressing, i'm now using Nexus 5 and it's great with latest OS images!
Currently I'm developing Seabass text editor, but once I have more time I'd like to participate in developing other apps as well.
My name is Bjarne alias nfsprodriver. Before UT came onto the market with the bq e4.5 I was fascinated in this OS. Since the e4.5 I use and love UbuntuTouch. Because of the knowledge of FirefoxOS running WhatsApp via the webapp LoquiIm, I started the work to port it to UbuntuTouch and got some great help and supporters - partly from here ;-). Anyway, now I'm on Nexus 5 with UT and test it and some different cool projects. I hope I can give a part of work into this great community! -
Hello All, Just saying hello to fellow users of UT. Its good to see its being kept going. I have Bq 5hd and m10 fhd and an mx4 that is flashed back to Flyme. I'm not a developer or techy person but will try to help where I can even if its just testing the legacy images. Thanks to all those that can and are keeping this project alive.
Hello to the UBports teams!
I am very happy to see that you carry the project in its continuity despite the stop (completely innappropriate) of Canonical.
I am French and I follow you every day in search of novelty of all kinds.
For now I will try the "turbo" image on my Meizu Prop 5, I have two pro 5, one to do the test and the other for the daily.
#### FRENCH ####
Bonjour à l'équipes UBports !
Je suis tèlement heureux de voir que vous portez le projet dans sa continuité malgré l'arret (completement innapproprier) de Canonical .
Je suis Français et je vous suis tous les jours à la recherche de nouveauté en tous genre.
Pour le moment je vais essayer l'image "turbo" sur mon Meizu Prop 5, je possede deux pro 5, un pour faire les test et l'autre pour le quotidien.
thats cool,
i bought a nexus 5 .... 10 minutes ago to flash it... i am keen/excitedly/agog/cocked....how i able to run it with Mr. Marius magic-device-tool. So i am in the celluar-phone-environment a realy greenhorn DAU. i was never interested in the properitary stuff from Android...so much closed areas ;(
By now with the ingenuous approachable communicativ ubport-people...its make fun to go ahed and GNU a litte bit
Best wishes. -
i guess i‘m still not that relevant here - i’m not yet an UBports or Ubuntu Touch user yet, neither Android or Tizen, but i’m quite curious about the potential UBports can have everywhere (smartphones, tablets, smart-tvs, game consoles, etc.)
I'm a dreamer. I'm here to help UT community and bring gnu/linux + Libre projects to mobile devices. Thank you.
Hey guys
I'm Bry Wilson, a marine biologist and bioinformatician, started as a SUSE user in 2005, moved on to Ubuntu Warty Warthog soon after (ah, the joy of compiling my own ndiswrapper for wifi-access), stuck with Ubuntu until 2014 and then migrated to Arch. For s**ts and giggles, I made the jump to FreeBSD two months ago
I bought a second hand Nexus4 in late February 2013 just to install the first hilariously unuseable Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview install. I've been using Ubuntu Touch as my only and everyday phone for two years nows (my worthwhile friends installing Telegram on their Android and iOS phones just to stay in touch with me...). I picked up a secondhand Meizu Pro5 in January in anticipation of the move to 64-bit snaps - and then of course Canonical pulled the plug
For me, the absolute number-one defining advantage of UT (not counting the relative security of being free of the locked-down Android and iOS ecosystems) is the native terminal - and the power of customisation that gives me. I've briefly flirted with Android and installing a terminal on there but it is a pale almost powerless shadow of the UT's native one.
I've been using the Meizu Pro5 in full convergence mode (with a Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter v2, Dell 24" monitor, Logitech K810 bluetooth keyboard and Logitech M555b bluetooth mouse) as my everyday production machine since February. Essentially all of my work involves running analyses on high-performance computers over ssh and so I'm just leaping between tabbed terminals on UT, my Rockwork linked Pebble Steel notifying when my jobs have completed. I'd also call myself an emacs "power user" (essentially living within the emacs environment) and have a full setup installed in my UT root directory, with my org-mode terminal constantly running on my phone. I write my publications in LaTeX and so have also installed a xenial chroot with emacs again, a full TeXLive installation and R statistics software.
There's still a number of crucial bugs in UT convergence and I've spent a lot of time in recent months scripting workarounds for those - I'm a fairly passionate believer in UT and will try to support UBports in any way I can - I think it's a fabulous community!
For the record as well, I'm installing the UBports updates over adb in recovery mode (pushing over the files to the sdcard and untar-ing them on the phone) and keeping all of my data intact with each upgrade. A simple bash script then reinstalls all of my emacs packages back into the root directory afterwards.
I'm very much hoping that UBports might still give us 64-bit M10 and Pro5 owners the Xenial snap update!
Cheers and thanks for all the hard work guys
@BryWilson I'm also a lover of the UT terminal and do a lot of things with it (like logging to a server and reading my email with mutt), and I'm also an emacs freak. I pretty much use also your workflow (LaTeX, logging to servers with ssh and running R and other software) , but I only have a Bq E5, so no convergence, so it would be great if you could document how to setup your environment on a convergent UT phone for us to not reinvent the wheel. I for one would be very grateful.
Hi i'm Jonathan from the U.K
I own a meizu pro 5 and use netrunner and ubuntu on my pc/laptop etccareer wise i install and test railway signalling equipment
started off in the early 1980's with sinclair zx81, spectrum ,vic 20 ,dragon 32 and BBC model b computers and the usual Atari 2600 and colecovision consoles
after a a fair few years i am getting back into it with linux and starting to teach myself programming
i aim to have a go at programming for Apps
Bonjour à tous, je viens juste de migrer mon tel BQ Aq5 de Ubuntu Touch vers UB ports. Je compte sur les développeurs et sur la communauté du libre pour assurer le succès d'UBports, j'ai envie de continuer sur Ubuntu, je l'utilise depuis 2008 sur mon ordinateur et depuis 2014 sur mon tel.
Combien sommes nous d'utilisateurs d'UBports ?
Hello everyone, I just migrated my such Bq Aq5 from Ubuntu Touch to UB ports. I rely on developers and the free community to ensure the success of UBports, I want to continue on Ubuntu, I use it since 2008 on my computer and since 2014 on my tel.
How many UBports users are we? -
@PascalDC Bonjour Pascal,
ca va bien?
To answer your question, we dont know, but estimations are between 500 and 700, at least that many have switched to UBports
@zx81 Welcome! Would you be also interested in testing / Q&A? I assume you are an experienced guy from your job when it comes to testing stuff xD
500 to 700 devices already switched to UBports?
wow, I didn't expect that much.
Sure that's nothing compared to Android, but it's a huge amount for that "new" os.