Hi everyone,
I've been installing a couple of desktop apps earlier today using the libertine-container-manager. Installation procedure appears to have worked and using the 'list' command I can see both installed apps in adb shell, however, back on the Nexus handset I cannot see any apps listed under 'Desktop Apps. Any idea what could have happened? How can I check that that these apps work? I've done this a couple of times on a OnePlus One with no issues.
Paul Shapley
@shapley Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but desktop apps don't seem to run in the Libertine container on the Nexus 5.
I'm looking forward to OTA8, I think it is, where the devs are going to enable snaps to work.
I'm running OTA6 on my nexus 5 and have libreoffice apps showing in desktop apps, but they crash when I try to load them. So I might be able to run libreoffice in OTA8 when it comes out?
@benshaw These are the next OTA's and what is targeted https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestones
@lakotaubp Hmm I don't see mention of Snaps in OTA8. Either I misheard, or things have changed.
Thanks for sharing the link though.
Wonder if it is worth changing to the 16.04dev channel?
@shapley As far as I can remember libertine is broken on nexus 5 full stop at present. Someone else may have more info for you.
@shapley I'm on 16.04 Dev: I've got a .deb into the container, but it won't boot, sadly.
@3arn0wl Yes that's the issue. It all installs but wont run. Cannot remember the exact reason though.
@3arn0wl I installed "anki" (flashcard) in a libertine container on my Nexus 5 as per the instructions here (https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html). I was able to get it to show up in the "Desktop apps" by going to the main scope, clicking/swipe up on the little up arrow at the bottom of the scope page, which brings up "Desktop apps" and if I click on the little star next to that, I can get the apps to show up as a second scope page. Then I can click on the anki icon, it launches and then crashes. The error log (/home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-legacy-cont0_anki_0.0-.log) reports the following error
Fatal server error:
(EE) Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect: not accepted by serverUnfortunately, I don't know enough about Mir or how the libertine containers work to figure out how to work around this. Maybe someone else knows where to go from there?
I recently install OTA7/RC on a nexus 5. I was able to create a container, and install/run gedit
But it is not really usable on the phone (and I haven't try to connect it to a screen yet).
On the other hand, I try several other apps without any luck (vlc, lollypop, spyder)