TELEports. New Telegram app icon design
What do you thing about the ideas below?
Other variations for the same idea.
@mariusbfs i like this
@louies Thank you! I must admit that I have taken the arrow icon from The rest is my idea. If you like the approach, I may change something in the shape to make it original. Not sure how copyright works in this case...
@mariusbfs Good icon indeed.
For the license you should check, in the website, the license and use that the author chose for it. -
two ideas better than one idea, look at how these images look like
@josele13 Huh cool!
Dont forget we need a Suru icon, so you need to bring in a "paper fold" line + alpha shadow somewhere
- Also, the main App icon must be suqare with rounded edges as described.
This post is deleted! -
@flohack Hehe that means nanus suggestions are the only ones valid up to now
I don't have the time to design a new icon, but I can help making the icon we'll chose more Suru (folds, shadows, gradients, etc...) if it's needed
could we fould Yumi somehow to make a plane of it.
or let him throw the paperplane? -
... maybe something like this...
@glocester Nice! I like it.
@glocester Also me... I like it!!!
Oh no... it looks so whatsappy to me...
the color... lets make the color telegram-blueish, please.
And what about putting it upwards s.t. the suru fold matches the fold of the plane? -
Nice participation @all btw! love this
@cibersheep Looks great! No, I dont need rounded corners if they are made automatically. Just wanted tomention the design considerations, so that people wont expect to have a circle as an icon xD
To complete the ideas from the Telegram-thread a few days ago I add my draft as well. Although I was already reminded that there used to be a browser "in the old times" using a similar logo.
Teleports - port - steering wheel was the idea behind it...Edit 1:
In Germany there is a phrase "ein sicherer Hafen" (a safe port). A port suggests safety (for ships).
If that makes sense in other languages a marketing phrase for TELEports (independent of the icon) could be:
<marketing> "TELEports - a safe port for your chats" </marketing>Edit 2: For legal purposes, the plane is taken from and comes as public domain. No copyright fraud intended.