Looking for UT people in Vienna, Austria, and surroundings
I'm in Cambridge, UK.
Bristol UK
The Hague (closest internationally known city), The Netherlands
@Flohack I'm relatively close to Vienna. I'm from Pezinok, that's near Bratislava in Slovakia.
Rocco, from Milazzo (Messina) Italy
Steve - in the Austin, Texas, USA area.
@flohack I have no idea what you mean with "UT", but I'm a veteran *n?x sysadmin, and in Vienna/AT. If I can help with stuff, I will.
@rbarclay UT means Ubuntu Touch, obviously
- Are you on Telegram? We wanted to organize a meeting here soon
I'm Sander, from the Netherlands. I live close to Amersfoort.
@flohack Ah, sorry, the usual confusion about 2- and 3-letter acronyms (I probably see to many references to "UX" etc. at work
Also I'm not on any messenger. I vastly prefer having all my conversations in one central place, and for historical (and work-related) reasons that's email.
Gabriele from Livorno (Italy)
I have collected all who replied with location, here is the list:
Flohack: Vienna area, Austria CiberSheep: from the Balerics 3arn0wl: Cambridge, UK. elastic: Bristol UK arubislander: The Hague (closest internationally known city), The Netherlands jezek: Pezinok, that's near Bratislava in Slovakia. rocky58: Rocco, from Milazzo (Messina) Italy TotalSonic: Steve - in the Austin, Texas, USA area. Sander Klootwijk: I'm Sander, from the Netherlands. I live close to Amersfoort. GIEMME: Gabriele from Livorno (Italy) Guru: Matthias from very near Munich, Germany. alan_g: The Netherlands, Baarn "close to Amersfoort"
@flohack Hi Florian! How can I send you a PM? G, druk13
@sander-klootwijk @arubislander
I too am in The Netherlands, specifically Baarn "close to Amersfoort".
(Long term I'm in the UK, but not for a few more weeks.)
@druk13 click on my name, then on my profile in the right side, press on the button with three dots. Then, start a new chat in the menu
@alan_g really? That's cool! You're closer to @Sander-Klootwijk than to me though...
@alan_g Awesome! That's pretty close to Amersfoort
@sander-klootwijk @alan_g, if you guys plan a meetup, lemme know! Also if any of you happen to be passing by the "Randstad"