Q&A 62 Saturday 2nd of November at 19:00 UTC
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 62 is this Saturday the 2nd of November at 19:00 UTC. Please join us for Ubuntu Touch development, updates and answers to your questions! Post them here before the event and Youtube Livechat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6kAXYJ_wzk and Telegram during the live show.
Please remember that questions on porting to device **** or it's status, and questions on bugs will not be answered
If i well understood, the Gitlab authorities wanted to set up new conditions of use and telemetric tracking without consultation of users customers. They have quickly gone backwards under the risk of a mass disaffection of GITLAB by their customers ! But the damage may have been done. Gitlab almost (temporarily almost ???) lost his soul and its philosophy.
How did you react to these new (suspended?) tracing conditions? Because it may reappear in another form....
Does this make you aware of things to do or not to do in relation to UT Ubports users ?
Looking over What's this Edge merge anyway? post in the forums, are there any steps that developers should take to prepare their apps for some of the issues that may arise as a result of the Edge merger? (As an example, I just tweaked an app to avoid dealing w a couple Morph bugs a tester had on Edge). Thanks!
I would like to know if carddav will be supported soon?
Any update on Switching contacts backend to QtContacts-SQLite?
Any update on carddav sync with nextcloud/owncloud?
Thank you so much in advance.
After each OTA, I love more UT. Can't wait for this feature to be available to make all my family and work place switch to UT. -
Given that Dekko2 was recently updated for the 2.x version from using the Oxide engine to the QtWebEngine - to the best of my knowledge no critical UT native apps are using Oxide anymore. Is there a timeline to remove Oxide support from UT (from my understanding, a step that will be necessary at some point in order to free up space in the UT image for future enhancements) - and is there a way to check whether our webapps will be effected by this? Am I correct in believing that any webapp made using Webapp Creators "Ogra container" will not work once Oxide support is removed - so that these webapps will have to be updated once the change is made? And is this change expected to be made in OTA-12, OTA-13 or later?
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
Has the foundation managed to have a German bank account? As a patreon-user since 2017 from Gemany I would prefer to transfer my little monthly share directly to the foundation.
Someone turned up on the "UBports Unity8 Development (Not a game engine)" group today asking about installing Unity8 on Ubuntu.
There doesn't seem to be anything helpful on the unity8.io property about this, and I linked to an out of date blogpost: https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/unity8-on-the-desktop-95 as the least bad option.
I know that desktop is not the focus of the core developers, but I think there is interest in the community to keep this information up to date if "drive by" corrections and changes were possible. Could something like a Wiki be used on unity8.io for the current status of desktop, install instructions, etc.? And linked to from the landing page?
Q: With all the new "desktop space" in the latest unity8 (from edge), will there be some sort of desktop widgets? Maybe support for the KDE ones?
Edit: maybe that could be linked to background daemons? i.e. small widgets that have a background checking ability and that can be made to open an foreground app?
@poVoq See https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2579/i-wanna-go-home as I don't think this will be re-discussed during the Q&A (as it's been discussed at length already)
Q1: Has the establishment of the Ubports foundation already enabled advantages for the project and/or agreements with other companies / foundations?
Q2: with the edge merge and the migration from Mir 0.24 and Unity8 (from 2015) to Mir 1.x and Unity8 (from 2017) you will have once again shown us the special effects and accustomed us to them (
) ...my question is, after all this, what do you plan to do to keep up the hype (
) ? what will be the next big thing in the short, medium and long term?
@Aury88 In 2020, I hope for ubuntu 20.04 migration (with new Qt Stack,...) + pinephone port + librem 5 port.
It would already be a big achievement.
Question for Q&A: a topic being discussed very often is regarding the unconfined status of apps: some people think it's good to have unconfined apps published in the OpenStore (in its origins, OpenStore was designed to have mostly experimental and unconfined apps, if I'm not mistaken), others are much more strict, I would say evangelically against it and they think the unconfinement shall only be reserved to the OS itself and to its functionality, some others have an average opinion, i.e. unconfined apps can be published to the OpenStore but those shall be segregated into a different section and well recognizable from the confined ones. I understand what's the purpose of having confined apps on a modern OS like UT and all the risks of not strictly implementing the apparmor rules; but, at the same time, I believe exceptions could be taken into account, given some barriers and conditions to be overcome and satisfied first: for instance, it shall be judged the reputation and reliability of the app developer (in case he/she is a member of the UBports Community for a long time), if the proposed app is considered or not an asset for the Community, if the app has an open source code to be dug and deeply checked in order to find any malicious intention....To summarize, in my humble opinion there shall be clear rules to be followed but I think up to now there was lack of official instructions in this regard. I would like to know what you guys think about this topic. Thank you in advance for any attention you might pay to the present question. Matteo
Has there been any actual communication from UBports with the Volla people regarding their advertising possible support for a UT port (if "stretch funding" of over $400k is met) to their proposed phone that is now having a KickStarter?
Info here - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/volla/volla-phone-freedom-through-simplicity-and-securityBest regards,
Steve Berson -
i just wared to say "Thank you" for the new UT - I LOVE it - and express my gratitude for your continued hard work.
@3arn0wl What do you call "new" UT ? OTA-11 or new devel ? Anyway, we are on the same page, both are fine !
Hehe The new new, @domubpkm - the beautiful dev channel.
Q1: What's the plan onward about libertine?
With libhandy and kirigami maturing, we can assume more desktop's app's will be mobile optimized. It seems to be easier finding desktop apps that support mobile then the other way around. It aligns with the convergence goal too.Q2: What kind of specification would new ports need for convergence to work? More broadly speaking, are there specific plan about this?
Guys you rock!!!
Q1: Any plans to work more on the mobile screen part of convergence, e.g. the stuff that shows up on the phone screen when also connected to larger screen? Maybe something together with to KDEconnect support?
Q2: What is the status of Miracast support on UT? Is it still working?
@poVoq - Miracast is working fine on OnePlus One and Meizu Pro 5 on OTA11 in my tests, when using a Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter. Font rendering is a tiny bit blurry but display is otherwise works fine (including video playback), although there is a bit of lag when using a bluetooth keyboard/trackpad with it
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@alan_g said in Q&A 62 Saturday 2nd of November at 19:00 UTC:
Could something like a Wiki be used on unity8.io for the current status of desktop, install instructions, etc.? And linked to from the landing page?
@UniSuperBox Until very recently, the landing page for https://github.com/ubports/unity8/ (to which the unity8.io page (and elsewhere) still links) included instructions for installing Unity8 on Ubuntu. However, the instructions for installing Unity8 on Ubuntu were removed when the "readme" file was removed. Could you at least add back the "readme" file?