Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza
you can flash any recovery ie ;- twrp with flashtool , go in and wipe it (clean up ) and reflash with flashtool, ( not using format all ) , and try again, it sounds like the recovery geting stuck.
or, use flashtool to flash, another copy of recovery , it takes about 12 seconds ,.
i was hoping i had kept a twrp backup of ubports, sorry , i only have android and ubuntu touch regular firmware.
my only other thought was :- the device you have is a m10 fhd and not an m10fh. sorry got to ask ? -
i have a twrp (restore ) copy for a m10 fhd ,if you want to try it , i will need time to upload it some where.
Ah, OK, I hope now I understand what you mean:
You think @nterr should use the backup you have made with twrp for an old UT installation to flash/restore his tablet via flash-tool, right?btw: its a FHD M10 (frieza), for sure; adb shell doesn't work with the recovery of the HD M10 (cooler), as I noticed when trying to do that with my HD M10
Could be worth a try.
@Marathon2422 said in Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza:
use flashtool to flash, another copy of recovery
What do you mean by that ?
@hankschwie said in Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza:
Could be worth a try.
Ok I think I got it too. Ya I could try that.
Btw, it's a FHD yes
You can flash other recovery images with the flash tool, too. It only takes a few seconds to do so. -
I may be lost here,
but wouldn't it be just the same as doing "fastboot flash recovery XXXXX.img" ?
and why would I want to do that, besides flashing twrp to wipe the tablet clean (which I did already) ?
Or maybe @Marathon2422 had something else in mind and I just didn't understand it. -
Hi!Yes, it should be the same thing. I think @Marathon2422 just wanted to point out that you could flash any recovery with flash tool as well (well as long as it is working with your device ...). Perhaps the version you used has errors; who knows...
Hope he comes online again, and tells you where he could upload his twrp-backup...
Did you try to flash an almost up-to-date android version onto the tablet? FHD/2.6.2/ is the most recent, Android 6...
Can't see what difference it makes but if you are installing dev have you tried stable, and if stable have you tried Dev.
Tried stable, rc, devel... yep, and same result.
Just flashed Android rom, went perfectly fine, just like with OTA-15.
Isn't there any way to install UBports with sp_flashtool ?For now I'll just keep it with Android. It's a bit sad, I mean, I bought the UT version for a reason when BQ started selling them... I didn't even really needed a tablet tbh.
I guess I should just buy a PinePhone!
Thanks hankschwie, Lakotaubp and everyone for all the replies and the time. If anyone comes up with a brilliant idea, I'm still interested though...
I may have one last hypothesis.The flashing seems to be OK now. Looks like you're stuck during the installation.
It made me think maybe the image you're flashing is corrupted. Have you checked the md5 sum after download or is it done by the installer ?If you're using the snap version recommended by @Lakotaubp you might be able to share the complete traces see if we can find something we didn't think about...
:crossed_fingers: -
One other suggestion from the welcome and install group is to try and older version of the installer to rule out a regression.
i have put a link in nterr`s chat , so maybe he can use that and then install ubports over it with an earlier version of the installer , ( it takes 2 or 3 reboots to get the recovery to show correctly, or not as his device was ubuntu to start).
sorry about the delay , -
nterr 2nd attempt is in your chat