FluffyChat Encryption via Pantalaimon
Hi, I have a hard time making pantalaimon work with fluffy chat, the pantalaimon is properly configured and running (I have check in /home/phablet/.config/pantalaimon/pantalaimon.conf)
Fluffy chat prevent me from signing in because of a an "unecognized request".
Any clues what's going on ?Pantailamon service log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PZTsc7Bj6F/
Paintailamon app log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z8Jsw7kF3Z/
Fluffy chat log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FgDXwffBmh/
I moved my homeserver to an other domain and know it works. Can't reprodue the issue... strange but happy that it works
For those interested I cooked up a minor update taking care of a few missing things and the bug with saving the configuration for the first time. It contains the same binary as before just mainly cosmetic. Click packages can be found at the link.
I'm still working on chasing down the image loading issue in FluffyChat as well as getting cross compiling fully sorted. Progress continues.
It works for me
(converser). I'll try a privacytools next.
It works so great! What do You think about publishing it in openstore or creating a github/lab/whatever release page to make it easy to watch and find newest version?
@BigB said in FluffyChat Encryption via Pantalaimon:
It works for me
(converser). I'll try a privacytools next.
Awesome, glad to here it!
It works so great! What do You think about publishing it in openstore or creating a github/lab/whatever release page to make it easy to watch and find newest version?
I want to get cross builds working properly prior to getting it published in the openstore. At the moment you have to build the binary on device prior to packaging which isn't all that ideal.
It is already open source, available on sourcehut. https://sr.ht/~thrrgilag/pantalaimon-ut/ Any contributions in the form of patches, bug reports, etc are greatly welcome.
In terms of watching for a new release, you can subscribe to a RSS feed of the project (you can find one on the refs page for example) or there is a mailing list I setup to recieve patches which I can post announcements to. I'm also wiling to post announcements here or start a new thread in the forum to follow if folks prefer? I'm pretty open to suggestions.
chat.privacytools.io works too
Is there any way to properly log out?
I log out from fluffychat but I still see "pantalaimon" device in my account.
I just deleted device from other seesion and reinstall pantalaimon
@BigB pantalaimon currently doesn't have a way to logout and remove itself so you pretty much need to delete it from another session in the way you just did.
Just my personal opinion: I'd suggest skipping the cross-compiling for now and focus on publishing the app to the Open Store, maybe with a bit of polishing first. I have tried to do the cross-compiling once and it is not straight-forward. Btw, the links on your releases page give 404ers.
@jonius I wasn't sure how the gatekeepers would feel about it given that it's an unconfined app. But I suppose it's still worth spinning up the conversation at least with them and work through the process.
Thanks for letting me know about the 404s. Looks like it's a glitch with sourcehut, I'll chase that down with Drew. In the meantime I setup an alternate download location.
I've published another minor update. This release includes additional homeserver settings for http proxy and ssl verification. It also now has a global setting to update the log level to assist with troubleshooting.
I'll be reaching out the OpenStore folks later this week and see about getting it reviewed and published. Then the focus will be on getting the interactive features wired up.
@thrrgilag Thanks! Works great on my nexus 7 stable and nexus 5 RC
The strange thing happens when I test it on another nexus 5 RC and nexus 7 RC (in general I have 4 devices), apps crashes I mean - flfuffy frezzes and logs out from account
I was searching for the reason and... maybe it happens when device powers off, casued by critically low battery. This is what happened on both mentioned decices and after this situation fluffy stopped working
(reinstalling both apps and clearing data didn't work, so only OS reflash may work...)For everyone interseted in matrix on UT device, with new qt web engine avaliable on RC, you can create simple webapp, there is no notifications and it lookls like desktop version but for now it may be alternative for devices where fluffy/pantalaimon crashes. Video and Pictures work, I'll test calls later.
@thrrgilag any updates on bringing the Pantalaimon to the OpenStore? This would be awesome!
@jimmypesto no unfortunatly no updates on that front. The possibility I think was brought up briefly in the telegram group but I didn't push it with the gatekeepers yet.
The last few months I've been focusing on gtk/libhandy related development in the little free time I've had so I'm a bit behind on ubuntu touch work. Not sure when I'll get back to it but I'll keep it on my radar and hopefully at some point put out an update.
@thrrgilag this would be awesome, thanks.
Lacking E2E support is really problem with FluffyChat so far...
So I finally found time to play with your awesome software. Sadly I can not fully understand the installation instructions and need a little extra help.
I downloaded the 0.4.0 release to the downloads folder of the Phone and extracted it.
Then I copied the dev-build.sh to the home directory of phablet, made it executable and run it. It finished without errors.
Now I can find the directory:~/pantalaimon-build
Inside this directory is one file and one dir:main.patch tmp
What do you mean by* pull /home/phablet/pantalaimon-build/dist/pantalaimon
Additionally I wasn't able to find the filepantalaimon
that should be renamed. -
@jimmypesto doh! aparently I had either forgot to attach them or the click packages fell off that release entry. I'll dig those up and post them again. You don't have to run a new build unless you want to recompile everything from scratch.
@jimmypesto the click pacakges for both 32bit and 64bit should be available now on https://git.sr.ht/~thrrgilag/pantalaimon-ut/refs/0.4.0
@thrrgilag nah I just want to get your software up and running.
Thanks for your quick support. Awesome!
Can you help me to get back into a clean state? I feel like I'm stuck...
@jimmypesto you can just blow away that build folder on your device. The click package has a UI that you can use to set and update your settings as well as enable or disable the background service.
@thrrgilag thanks a lot.
I was able to install the click package without any errors.