Android Apps with OTA-13
I just upgraded to OTA-13 on my LG Nexus 5. I read that from OTA-12 up the installation of android apps changes. How do I install android Apps?
@LRV Hi, if Anbox is already and correctly installed on your N5, you first need to download your apps in .APK file. You will find a lot of them here:
Once your app is downloaded, open your terminal and type "cd Downloads", than type: "adb install /home/phablet/Downloads/my-app.apk" (replace "my-app.apk" with the exact name of your apk file)
Than type "exit".Got it! Your app will appear on your home screen
That is the issue. I do not know how to properly install anbox with the new kernel.
I've attempted the method you mentioned above but it errors with "bash: adb: command not found" multiple times from which I reckon anbox is not fully preinstalled.EDIT: Installing anbox as described in the wiki bricks my OS.
@LRV Weird, OTA-13 did not change anything concerning Android kernels, that are already installed in the Nexus 5 Ubuntu Touch image.
However, since Anbox touches the root of the system image, it must be reinstalled after each OTA update:
sudo mount -o rw,remount /
sudo apt update
sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch android-tools-adb
anbox-tool install
exitThan re-install your .apk apps as described above. It should work.
EDIT: Do not load Anbox cd-image as it is already charged in the Nexus 5 by default...
@stanwood It looks good, but after
sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch android-tools-adbthe terminal indicates "no enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/
I do not how to resolve this issue -
@tgv34 Ok, so you might resize your memory partition dedicated to Anbox as follow:
sudo mount -o rw,remount /
sudo rm -r /var/cache/apt
sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/loop0
sudo apt update
sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch android-tools-adb
sudo mount -o ro,remount /
exitIt should work fine after this.
I guess you can also mount /var/cache/apt from the userdata partition.
This way what is installed is kept after an OTA.
But I never tried it myself cause I have no need for Anbox. -
@stanwood Just curious because I didn't install :
Have you tested Firefox through Anbox? If yes, is it fully operational: downloading, acceleration... -
@domubpkm No, I installed Anbox on an experimental basis and tried a few Android apps. But didn't use Firefox as Morph is really fine for me. But I guess you can install Firefox not using Anbox but with Libertines. (easier way)
@stanwood Your method above worked. Thanks.
@LRV Great
Thank you.
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