@joel said in Xiaomi Poco F1 (Beryllium):
This is a port of Ubuntu Touch to Xiaomi Poco F1 (Beryllium).
Sources: https://github.com/ubports-beryllium
Kernel: https://github.com/ubports-beryllium/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845
Device: https://github.com/ubports-beryllium/android_device_xiaomi_beryllium
Halium: https://github.com/ubports-beryllium/local_manifests/blob/master/roomservice.xmlWhat Works
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Mobile Data
- Calls
- Audio
- Fingerprint
- Sensors
What Doesn't Work Properly
- Dual Sim usage. Sometimes calls on sim 1 crash with dual sims. Best config is a single sim on slot 2.
- The wifi driver doesnt go into sleep mode leading to battery drain when left on for a long time.
- Overall Reliability. This is an early/initial effort to run linux on Poco F1. Expect lot of bugs.
You can track the overall porting status here : https://github.com/ubports-beryllium/projectmanagement/issues/20
Requires Unlocked Bootloader and Custom Recovery (TWRP recommended). Backup your files. We will be doing a clean installation.- Wipe Dalvik/ART Cache, Cache, System, Data.
- Download Android Pie firmware V11.0.5.0 from here and install it from twrp.
- Download and install Lineage-16.0 (Pie) from twrp.
- After installing lineageos, FORMAT DATA from twrp. (Your Internal Storage will be wiped)
- Download the latest UBports GSI image from here and copy it to your device and install the zip file from twrp.
- Download the latest halium-boot image from here
- You can copy it to device, and use "Install Image" option in twrp to install the halium-boot.img to the Boot partition.
You can use your computer to flash the halium boot image using fastboot. - Reboot to the system. Ubuntu should boot.
- Both the default username and password is "phablet". You can change it later from terminal using
command as in linux os. - To install the proper camera app with fix, open the terminal app in the phone
OR connect your phone to the computer with USB andssh phablet@
and run the following commands (Internet Required)wget https://static.peat-network.xyz/junk/ubports/com.ubuntu.camera_3.1.2+gstdroid3_armhf.click pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.camera_3.1.2+gstdroid3_armhf.click
Thats it!
Issues/Bug Reports
Feel free to report issues here: Github. Do attach the below logs for debugging:
kernel log:
cat /var/log/syslog
sudo -s
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64 lxc-attach -e -n android -- /system/bin/logcat
Hack, Have Fun and Peace!
Hi, will this receive OTA updates in line with the official UBports Rom?
If I'm correct, depending on how well featured is the port it will then be added to the installer:
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4328/qa-checklist-for-ported-devicesBut I don't know the details.
@joel thank you for your work!
I'm using Ubuntu Touch on Poco as my daily driver and with the latest update to the
it seems really stable and won't even discharge anymore! Really, today is fifth day since i've charged it and it still has 35% of battery remaining. -
@mikhael Thanks for sharing. Xiaomi devices become more and more interesting. Xiaomi Redmi6 is one of the few devices which have native ANT+ support for sports sensors. I never saw a custom ROM with ANT+ support.
@joel, great work. I was looking for a mobile device for EEGLAB/BCILAB. EEGLAB runs on Linux Octave and needs according to the system requirements 4 GB of RAM. I wrote a feature request in the PinePhone community for more RAM for the PinePhone, but there are no signs that this dream comes true. So I will definitely have an eye on this powerful Xiaomi phone on the long term. Thanks a lot for your contribution :smiling_face: .
@peter-gamma said in Xiaomi Poco F1 (Beryllium):
@joel, great work. I was looking for a mobile device for EEGLAB/BCILAB. EEGLAB runs on Linux Octave and needs according to the system requirements 4 GB of RAM. I wrote a feature request in the PinePhone community for more RAM for the PinePhone, but there are no signs that this dream comes true.
This dream can't come true, the SOC Allwiner A64 support "Up to 3GB address space":
https://files.pine64.org/doc/datasheet/pine64/Allwinner_A64_User_Manual_V1.0.pdf , page 62. -
@libremax thanks, good to know. Maybe the system requirements of EEGLAB (with the real-time EEGLAB plugin BCILAB) is 4 GB only in combination with Matlab, since Matlab requires 4 GB, and running on Octave it is lower, I did not test it, but it is better to be on the sure sight.
BCILAB does not run yet on Octave, but Arnaud Delorme, EEGLAB developer from the Swartz Center of Computational Neuroscience says:
"I do not think that it is too far out if somebody wanted to take the lead on that."
If this software runs on the Pocophone F1, then it could become an attractive research device for neuroscientists.
There is a thread on xda developers about the Pocophone F1 and Ubuntu touch. He had problem with the SD card. Does SD card read write work with your installation?
@mikhael said in Xiaomi Poco F1 (Beryllium):
@joel thank you for your work!
I'm using Ubuntu Touch on Poco as my daily driver and with the latest update to the
it seems really stable and won't even discharge anymore! Really, today is fifth day since i've charged it and it still has 35% of battery remaining.This is great. Reviews say battery life of Poco F1 is around 7 to 8 hours. I'm looking for a linux device for 24h * 7d sensor data aquisition, this requires the device run. 24h * 7d. How long is battey life of the Poco F1 in this mode?
An advantage of the Poco F1: I suppose it should be possible to use it with an usb-c adapter, for instance to get an additional port for charging, HDMI, keyboard and other periferals:
Xiaomi Redmi 7 Onclite has no usb-c, only micro usb.
I just installed Ubuntu Touch to my old Pocophone F1 using the Ubports Installer.
It was a pain in the @ss to do everything in mac os x (i even managed to unlock the bootloader in mac os x with an app that had to be modified and rebuilt)..... but in the end everything worked !!!!!I am impressed by you job and efforts.... CUDOS!!!
The only thing that bothers me is the notch.
I applied the notch fix..... but still cannot see the top bar in the homescreen. It corrected things when i pull down the menu.... but at the "home" screen the notch still gets in the way... -
K Keneda moved this topic from Devices on
The Poco F1 is a powerful device, I have several of those, but still genuine. Unfortunately, it is not possible to write to the external SD card with Ubports, which is essential for me personally, what I found out recently.
install PostmarketOS on it
but before this, a solution which I could live with, what about:
Setting up a SMB(Windows) file server
do you think it works on a Poco F1 Uborts?
Does anyone knows whatbisbthebissue with the automatic broghtness?
As it seems that the proximity and light sensors are working, is hust missing repowerd configuration or is there othee issues with it?Thank you