[MERGED] OnePlus 6/6T installer config
@lakotaubp Thanks for the heads up!
When you tap the search button on uNav the app close. Has anyone this issue also?
@opaijavai no issues onthat front. Are you getting GPS? I am still not.
@ljrichards1066 Are you aware that acquiring a first GPS signal is known to be a lengthy process in UT? You need to test it outside in an open space for 30 minutes. A window cill is not usually good enough.
@cliffcoggin I was not aware it took that long. I guess it's time to cook my phone in the Kentucky heat.... Thanks!
It could take that long, but most of time, first fix after cold boot, in open space will take like 5 mn. -
@opaijavai No Unav work fine in my device,i'm in rc channel
@flohack Hello! I already made PR. I am still waiting, when it will be merged. https://github.com/ubports/installer-configs/pull/111
So my problem on uNav is this:
Is USB otg work now?
Installer config merged! Enjoy using UBports Installer.
@sevralt Good work! Newest phone (3 years or less old) in the top 10! I miss my 6T... but I am sure whoever stole it will get their own reward. This makes me consider getting another.
Do we still need to be on the dev channel, or is stable an option yet?
@ljrichards1066 I think at present that is the only option for now. The rest will follow.
The latest RC update on the lomiri session scalling fixed my problem with uNav.
So far only adb is not working for me
I am also not getting GPS at all.
when running in terminal:test_gps
I get:
*** setup signal handler *** *** get gps interface *** GPS interface not found :( Bye!
Already switched to RC channel.
Any trick on how to get GPS running? -
@magdesign GPS test wont work in Halium 9 and higher probably. Also you can only run it as root if it works.
sudo does not help...
other useres do confirm the issue:
https://github.com/ubports-oneplus6/documentation/issues/15#issuecomment-896860378Would be nice to get hints for a fix, willing to test and report back.
Thanks -
@magdesign It doesnt seem to be universal, though. Previous users (not me) in this thread do have GPS.