New pinephone any good?
Thanks for the replies folks. I will investigate the warrenty return on this one. If I can get a goid deal from them on the PPP I will consider lurking on these forums to watch for when the 20 release is ready. I'd like to help more than issue/bug reports, but I've too many projects in the go!
I dare say that the pinephone is not even a priority in my opinion. It's much more important to have a real ad-blocking solution in place quickly, and the best thing would be for it to be totally autonomous, i.e. not dependent on external servers. Not having a blocking solution is a real sticking point for UT!
@doctrucker said in New pinephone any good?:
I will consider lurking on these forums to watch for when the 20 release is ready.Be aware that even once the 20.04 based version is released (for which there is no date yet,) it could be many months before Pinephone problems are resolved.
@cliffcoggin yeah I understand that thanks. Any idea what is the favorite phone/mamufacturer is with the devs? ...or perhaps a best balance of works well with Ubuntu Touch and doesn't cost the earth.
@domubpkm I would say that it is a important priority. It might be the only option we have when 2G and 3G are shut down.
@doctrucker That depends what you want from the phone. As far as I can see none of them have every function of their Android originals working. Look at
to find what suits you best. -
@doctrucker said in New pinephone any good?:
Any idea what is the favorite phone/mamufacturer is with the devs?
I don't think they have a favorite, but, you can choose a recent "promoted" full working device like Pixel 3a/3a xl.
Or you can try OP5/5t, wich is the "best" port from @Flohack from his own telling.
Each of those are between 90 and 150€ on postmarkets.
The pinephone could indeed become a very good smartphone but it will indeed require a huge investment in time and all the tat to become 100% functional. The ubports core team won't be able to do it in my opinion, even after the successful switch to ubuntu 20.04 and all their immense goodwill. I wouldn't want them all to go crazy ! The best thing to do would be to hire a very competent developer (by tender?) whose sole task would be the development of this smartphone. For that, ubports would have to collect donations exclusively for the pinephone until a certain amount is reached. 20,000 € ? Which is not much if it is shared in the community.
A simple idea. -
From my point of view, Pinephone, and alike, are the best way for any FOSS OS futur.Open source software NEEDS open source hardware to give its best.
From that point of view, wich i believe is not wrong, PP and alike should become a priority at some point for ubports.
@keneda I am not saying otherwise. But development is going to require A LOT of resources for rapid development. I have a Pinephone too, in a cupboard...