Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).
@ubportsnews I tried to contact one of the app-devs from russia (pavelprosto) and I get no answer. I am worried about this. Does someone know if the russian and ucrainian devs/members of the commnity are doing well? And how to support them??
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
With the fevered upgrade to 20.04, would it still be possible to have the installer and app store available so that older devices can install UT 16.04 and install apps? I don't want to see UT go the way of Android and iOS in orphaning devices and apps - it is one of the main reasons I started and now come back to UT.
If the 20.04 upgrade goes through would it be so far behind, Ubports Foundation would be working to develop UT on the next or latest LTS version?
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
Thank you for answering the question. That is an idea to set up system image server. I now have two defunct mini servers running openmediavault which could be put to use in that direction. I did use them for running torrents for Linux images.....
Thanks for this, I did not have time for it last Saturday, so I'm listening to it now!
@domubpkm There's absolutely no need for uAdblock or any alternative. Why would you even want to use something like that when you can just pull the hosts-file from https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt for example, or edit your hosts file any way you see fit, and have system-wide adblocking without any app? Makes no sense.
@bocephus said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).:
@domubpkm There's absolutely no need for uAdblock or any alternative. Why would you even want to use something like that when you can just pull the hosts-file from https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt for example, or edit your hosts file any way you see fit, and have system-wide adblocking without any app? Makes no sense.
Nonsense. You may enjoy intervention in your phone's set up, but I do not. I simply want to tap once to install an application and then forget about it.
@bocephus said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).:
Why would you even want to use something like that when you can just pull the hosts-file from https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt for example, or edit your hosts file any way you see fit, and have system-wide adblocking without any app?
Because I like things easy, and I don't consider editing files on my phone to be easy.
@bocephus said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).:
Makes no sense.
It makes total sense on the contrary ! UT is not just a field of experiments, a story of hacks, advanced users and developers : UT must be in its components, simply usable by the greatest number if it wants to convince. In any case uAdBlock is working again currently and thanks to the one(s) who made this possible.
@cliffcoggin Then you are using the wrong OS.
@domubpkm What part of this is not simple or usable to you?
sudo curl https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt -o /etc/hosts
@bocephus I am not saying that what you say is useless or complicated. I have also reinstalled a hosts file 'manually'. But the average user will want to skip the Sudo command lines and choose what he wants to block (uAdBlock allows to mix up to 14 lists). But nothing prevents you from making a detailed tutorial for UT explaining what you propose, it is always appreciated.
@bocephus said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).:
@cliffcoggin Then you are using the wrong OS.
On the contrary. It only becomes the wrong OS if I have I have to make more than three clicks to achieve anything. To my way of thinking the phone is a tool with a job to do. If it can not do that job without constant tinkering by me then it is a poor tool and needs to be replaced. I don't know anything about host files, and more importantly I don't want to know.
@bocephus said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).:
@cliffcoggin Then you are using the wrong OS.
That seems unkind, and probably untrue. If cliffcoggin is happy with UT, who are you to tell him he should not be using it? People have different needs, and there can be different reasons for using UT. Some of us use it precisely because it's simple to use, and that is a fine reason.
Let's not judge others for having different needs, wants and skills. There's room here for all of us.
I think you misunderstand the target of Ubuntu Touch, from its beginning to the actual state, it is designed for anyone, as a replacement option to gafam mobile OS.You can't ask to average users to become powerusers that can do all they need with command lines.
UT is for everyone, from you that can tweak with terminal, to the noobie that doesn't even know what is a terminal.
What made Ubuntu desktop a "popular" distrib is because it was designed to act, from user point of view, like windows, no need to tweak with command line.
Maybe you chose the wrong smartphone distrib, and should get a Pinephone with Mobian or such ^^
Two quick things:
This is an old Q&A thread if this discussion is to carry on it is probably best to start a new thread so others can follow or at least see what is being discussed
Ubuntu Touch is was and will remain a primarily a mobile phone operating system. So needs to be easy to use as such. If you can do anything else with or too it you are more than welcome but always remember it's first purpose amd most important reason for being. -
@cliffcoggin Spoken like a true Android drone and mental midget. You are on the wrong OS because you don't appreciate the power of Linux, even for something as extremely simple as adding some adblocking lines to a hosts file. The adblock app option requires more steps, will not work system-wide, and will use more resources. So, you're choosing an inferior solution, and acting smart about it.
@bocephus said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 117 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC (yes, that is right).:
@cliffcoggin Spoken like a true Android drone and mental midget.
If only you knew the truth of the matter, but I'll not enlighten you and spoil your delusions. Goodbye.
Stop being offensive right now please.You have your thinking about what should be a GNU/Linux user, ok, well, that's your right.
Now being aggressive on other users just because they think different is not in the ubports community code of conduct.You have twitter or facebook to do that...
@bocephus Saw that MVPS hosts file updated a long time ago : march 2021.. !
The uadblock option will not work system-wide
What do you mean by that please ? Only this MVPS hosts file would be 'system-wide' ? whereas we can built a hosts file using up to 14 different lists (MVPS inside) with uadblock ? Can you explain ? thanks.
Hello, i heared in the Q&A about the shiftphone support . YAY
I have the shift5me, do you have a clue if that will be supported as well?