20.04 Focal
Just a quick message to all app developers old and new 20.04 is coming very soon.Please update your apps for 20.04 as soon as you can and make your apps ready for the future of UT.
(sent from Pixel 3a on 20.04) -
L Lakotaubp pinned this topic on
Is there a doc or post with the initial steps in porting apps to focal? Like for example how to setup clickable and changing the framework, etc
@kugiigi Thought the info was in this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/8318/update-ubuntu-touch-apps-to-20-04-focal-fossa?_=1671610951770&lang=en-US if not maybe @bhdouglass can help
the essential webber app, which has not been maintained for a long time, still works under xenial. It would be good to test if webber works under focal for those who can. No more webber with focal would be a big miss.
@domubpkm Have a look in the OpenStore
@lakotaubp Yes. I knew the essential Webber is updated for 20.04. That's very good news. This is one of the conditions to upgrade to 20.04. As far as I'm concerned, it won't be until the hotspot works at least on the RC channel on the Volla because I can't do without it. A lot of developers are making great efforts to adapt essential apps to 20.04, including Jami Kettunen. Thanks to them.
@lakotaubp said in 20.04 Focal:
@kugiigi Thought the info was in this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/8318/update-ubuntu-touch-apps-to-20-04-focal-fossa?_=1671610951770&lang=en-US if not maybe @bhdouglass can help
might be better to pin that thread instead then?!
@doniks Done