Redmi Note 9 Pro Call Problem
hello there can you advise me please where I can locate telephony logs? my phone stopped showing me incoming call notifications ( and not put them in missing afterwards either ) and I seem to be too dumb to find it from code
I unlocked my Note 9 Pro (Global) yesterday after waiting 360h
All went fine and I installed 16.04 stable Ubuntu and booted it.I have the same issue as above.
I cannot receieve or make calls. When I call from UT it just drops and say call ended. When I call from my other phone cant reach it.
I can receive SMS on UT with no problem but when I try to send any from ubuntu each time sending fails.I had to downgrade the phone to Android 10 and the latest rom for global I could find was V12.0.3.0.QJZMIXM.
On another forum with unrelated issue for this phone it was mentioned that ubuntu works with V12.0.1.0.QJZEUXM EEA so I downloaded that one and EEA (which is latest). I will try those later after work.
I dont use VoLTE since I read it is unsupported so that is not the issue.
If anyone has any idea what I can try or test I would be super gratefull.
@clyder said in Redmi Note 9 Pro Call Problem:
I dont use VoLTE since I read it is unsupported so that is not the issue.
So, just to be certain, are you sure your carrier still offers non-VoLTE calls?
Hello, there 2 potential problems which come in my mind. But first I want to mention that 16.04 is deprecated and won't have any updates and I would advice you to install focal 20.04 from the installer.
Potential problem 1- the calls problem could be caused by wrong android ROM. The joyeuse ROMs which we know that work well is
. So I would advice to try that ROM. If the problem continue to appear then check 2. -
Potential problem 2 - some countries already work only with VoLTE if that's the case for you then calls won't work because UT do not support VoLTE yet.
If you need more help feel free to join the UT for miatoll telegram group and we will try to help you with your problem.
Good luck!
When installing watch out if the Google account was logged in everything that has to do with Googel the switches to off. If all strands tear Twrp and install Lineage OS17.1 then simply install Ubuntu ready. The same with calls I have had with Android. This must be done by Xiaomi I think. Do not forget the Xiaomi account can also be deselected.
@beyolf Exatly as you say. I tried V12.0.3 initially and it didn't work for me fully so 12.0.2 is the correct one to go with.
Thanx everyone for responding. I just flashed V12.0.1.0.QJZEUXM eea and reinstalled UT 16.04 and meanwhile put 12.0.2 to download while waiting.
But with 12.0.1 now everything works.
Volte was not the issue because I am sure I cannot use it on my provider before requesting that service to be activated.Anyway my Note 9 Pro can be called and call back. And sms works both ways.
So I guess V12.0.3.0.QJZMIXM was the problem.
Tomorrow I will try to install focal 20.04. Thank you for advice.
I am thinking of instaling 12.0.2 before since it will also probably work and it might contain some stuff that could resolve other potential issues.Thanks everyone again for help. I will post here when I put 20.04.
Best regards to all! -
@beyolf Finaly after a week of hell at work I found the time and I succsesfully installed focal 20.04.
I had issues installing it from windows since installer would stuck every time on booting to fastbootd, although phone was already in it,
but then tried in linux and all went fine.So far all appears to be working. It appears that I cant sync Google Contacts, only calendar, but that is not really an issue since I wont be using this device for calls much and i can easily import contact via vcf card.
Thanx again for help
@clyder Awesome you have it working now. Btw, the Google contact sync is a known long standing UT issue, but not related to this device:
The problem with windows is that when the phone goes into fastbootD the windows does not recognize it and you have to set up the driver from the device manager, then the windows will recognize the device and the UT installer will continue.
I am glad that you managed to install it from Linux and hope you enjoy.
@nasyek whwen you typing *#06# you see IMEI?
Can someone please edit the documentation. It says we should use the latest android 10 rom but in fact that's obviously not true. Personally I am one of the victims
@beyolf exactly the same happend with me. I manage to install from linux machine. Now my note pro 9 runs smoothly. Thanks for your discussion and contributions.
Here is the list of working firmwares at the moment:
@ezze the last Firmware not works with RN9 Pro. Call not Works.
Also, somehow you can't find any more downloads for this firmware from Xiaomi. Unfortunately, this is also the case with the Ubports installation program. The links there lead nowhere. Perhaps this should also be communicated to the porter so that he possibly links hosted links of the firmware. Otherwise the whole work for the guys is for nothing without firmware the device does not work! Found a working new page with firmware for the Global Version RN9 Pro. Can't post it here in the forum though. It always says something about post error 0 no rights. So should someone write the porter am not registered with Github or elsewhere thank you.
@Enrico13011978 Not sure, but probably it depends on the region you are in. As far as I know QJZEUXM are firmwares dedicated to European countries and QJZMIXM are global firmwares. Keeping it in mind, I chose, and it works for me in Russia.
@ezze yes this is the best Firmware