@MrT10001 Yes, there is a delay. It has nothing to do with switching between mobile data and wifi. My startpoint was always no data connection and then switched on wifi or mobile data. With mobile data only I can start surfing immediately, with wifi only I have to wait these 10-15 seconds.
@kristatos It would be nice to know what device it is and what OTA, channel, version you are on (Xenial or Focal).
@Bolly Vollaphone (yggdrasil) on 20.04 OTA-4. But this was also with OTA-3, maybe also earlier versions.
@kristatos said in uAdBlockNG issue:
@Bolly Vollaphone (yggdrasil) on 20.04 OTA-4. But this was also with OTA-3, maybe also earlier versions.
Too bad it's still on Xenial on that device. But on VollaPhone22 it works fine in Focal OTA-4 with the latest list.
I hope some other users can give a feedback to this, maybe @domubpkm ?
@kristatos Hello. Sorry, I don't use uAdBlockNG which personally doesn't satisfy me. I use a custom hosts file that I got from xenial and that i reinstalled.
C CiberSheep moved this topic from App Development on
Now I've made some tests:
- Copying the hosts-file from uAdblockNG (ca. 42 MB) manually to /etc/hosts ends up in the same 10-15s of waiting
- Copying an older hosts-file I had saved earlier from Xenial (ca. 10 MB) works like expected, maybe 1-2 seconds of waiting
While waiting these 10-15 seconds I've checked the cpu-usage via top. The process "systemd-resolve" takes up 100%. So in my opinion the hosts file generated from uAdBlockNG is way too big for the performance of the volla.
@kristatos I hope that the blocklist selection system will one day be returned and perhaps integrated into morph-browser.
@domubpkm That's right. The old uadblock (unde xenial) had this selection of blocklists. After reading a bit of source code of uAdblockNG I think it wouldn't be very difficult to modify this app to also have this selection like in earlier days, because all of these single hardcoded blocklists where merged into this one big hosts-file. So if there will be an option to choose which of them should be included, it would help to decrease the size of the hosts-file.
@kristatos said in uAdBlockNG issue:
I think it wouldn't be very difficult to modify this app to also have this selection like in earlier days
Certainly not simple because it would have already been done.
@kristatos you can try "Unified hosts file" by Steven Black, is updated regularly, currently contains 154,586 entries (only 4,5 MB) or one of "31 different host file variants " ... info e link to hosts files here