Ubports/Ubuntu Touch slides
I will do a presentation of UT along with other projects in French in Mai 15th at my local developer community, here is my initial work: https://github.com/lduboeuf/ut-helloworld-py/raw/master/osmobiles.odp
I used some schemas from canonical, if anyone can have a look if they are fine. UT slides starts on page 26, architecture schemas are at 31-33.
Comments or PR welcome.
cheers -
@lduboeuf You've put a lot of work into that.
@lduboeuf great work!
I've only took a quick look but this part (page 25):
Compatibilité avec:
LG Nexus 4, LG Nexus 5, 7 et 10I don't think Nexus 10 is supported yet. I do believe you really mean BQ M10 HD & FHD, but maybe I'm wrong?
@advocatux thank you. Nexus 10 Tablet was one of the targeted devices in 2014. This slide was before UBPorts come into play
@advocatux @lduboeuf Nexus 10 shows up as one of the legacy devices: https://devices.ubports.com/#/ I want to believe the list is up-to-date
@lduboeuf ah ok, thank you
@gsilvapt that list shouldn't be online. The good one is http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices
I've sent a message to the web maintainers team.
@3arn0wl mostly copy/paste things...
@advocatux I once asked which one was the list but got no answer
@gsilvapt did you ask here or in the Telegram SG?
@advocatux TG supergroup
@gsilvapt weird, there's a lot of people there that know the answer. Maybe just bad timing
I have gone through the slides and it is quite nice.
J'ai parcouru les diapos et c'est très intéressant.
C'est bien d'avoir une vue d'ensemble des différentes alternatives.
That's nice to have an overview of alternative OSes.A few spelling corrections, quelques fautes d'orthographe:
- slide 9: CyanogenMod instead of CyanogeneMod
- slide 11: initié instead of intié, et simplifiées
- slide 13: Apps écrites
- slide 29: écrans plus larges
- slide 30: devient instead of deviens, et Canonical instead of cannonical
- slide 35: packagées
Bon vent!
@mabear merci
De rien!
Je ne sais pas si tu as entendu parler de ce projet open-source, qui pour l' instant concerne les Nexus 5 et 7;
I don' t know whether you've heard about that open source project that at the moment works with Nexus 5 and 7 only:
Downlods for these Nexuses here
D' autres mobiles pourraient faire l' objet de portage, some other phones are on the device port listing: list(e)
This is an interesting concept; c' est un concept excitant aussi...
Anyone having a Nexus 5 or 7, or getting a cheap second-hand one, can start distro-hoping! Tous ceux qui ont un Nexus 5 ou 7 , ou qui en achete un pas cher de seconde main, peuvent faire du distro-hoping! -
if anyone interested in my presentation held today (in french)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKUmfpOna4sslides available here:
http://codedarmor.fr/labs/slidedecks/slides/OS mobiles alternatifs.pdfcheers
How did it go, @lduboeuf? Was your audience interested in the wonder that is UT?
@3arn0wl went fine, most people here were discovering that there are alternatives to mainstream OS :). Most of them are Android apps addicts and not ready yet to switch to UT as a daily driver but they were interested to give a try
@lduboeuf Yeah! Apple worked hard to create that nonsense app ring-fence, and Android worked even harder to catch up.
And now it's so deep-rooted in people's minds.