tedit development and design discussion
@stanwood Btw. thanks for your logs. The second last line looks familiar to me. The part
Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
might be a trace.Just got a broken tedit again. But I don't have this message in Logviewer. Interesting, in terminal I get this message too, but from
service, not tedit. So filtering seems to be handled different there. I will have to ask other developers maybe if they have an idea. -
@danfro I am not making a cause and effect relationship, I am describing what happened (volla 22 OTA 7) while everything was ok for some time:
- installation of Mimi 0.1.3 then crash of Lomiri at the 1st search under duckduckgo.
- clear cache config data then uninstall Mimi.
- copy data in Tedit with prolonged finger presses: Tedit crashes.
- copy data with virtual keyboard: ok.
- copy data with prolonged finger presses: ok again.
@domubpkm Thanks for the report. Sounds like it may be related to clipboard and/or long press copy/past. Although that may not explain why it cashes when swiping. But its something to look into.
@danfro It seems that changing channels (i went from stable to devel) is enough to crash the copy with a long press. Works again without crashing after a copy with the keyboard.
@domubpkm I will need to investigate the copy/paste functions of the TextArea. That might conflict with system clipboard. But not today, its Christmas.
Have a nice time everone and I hope you can spend some days in peace and with friends+family.
Hi everyone. You may have noticed, that I was busy recently working on weather app.
Now I found some time to dig into tedit development a bit.
@domubpkm and others may like one of the new features now available for testing: file list search.
Please test the build from the latest pipeline: https://gitlab.com/Danfro/tedit/-/pipelines/1645371249/builds and let me know if that is working for you. I am mainly interested to hear how it performs on long lists and other devices. -
Another new feature that is already added, is regarding import of files. When you import a file that already exists, the new file will now be renamed and a timestamp is added. So it does not overwrite the existing file.
@danfro Hello. Thanks for the search files feature, very useful. Works well for me on Volla 22 with currently 70 files in Tedit.
I got some more work done. Please test the latest build: https://gitlab.com/Danfro/tedit/-/pipelines/1645717005/builds
Changelog for the next release so far would be:
v3.5.0- added: search option for file list
- added: setting to open the file list on app start
- added: option to clear the apps cache (settings page)
- improved: importing a file which already exists, now gets a timestamp added to avoid overwriting
- fixed: occasional crashing mainly when trying to copy or paste - fixed: highlight encrypted now doesn't also change wrap setting
- updated: translations, many thanks to all translators!
I may have found the reason for the crashs (paste clipboard button enable conflicting with TextArea paste enable). Not sure, I might have just been lucky though. So please test for that.
@danfro said in tedit development and design discussion:
option to clear the apps cache (settings page)
Ok. I installed the last build.
Why do you say 'the apps cache' ? do you mean tedit cache ? Isn't it the app (no s) cache ? or tedit cache ? -
@domubpkm :thumbs_up: I guess "Clear tedit app cache" is better. I will change that.
Btw. how about a button to toggle the toolbar visible/not visible? Would you consider that useful? The padlock would be sitting on the left side of that button.
@stanwood I also have this issue, I had not noticed this, my cell phone is in RC.
@Josele13 Do you still have the issues with the build from the latest pipeline?
@danfro I have Tedit version v3.4.0
@danfro is a good idea --------> Btw. how about a button to toggle the toolbar visible/not visible? Would you consider that useful? The padlock would be sitting on the left side of that button.
@danfro Hello. Don't forget to put the direct links of builds because morph doesn't work with gitlab
@domubpkm Oh, I keep forgetting that.
Here it is for arm64
https://gitlab.com/Danfro/tedit/-/jobs/8989651946/artifacts/download?file_type=archiveI may as well provide the one with the toolbar button: https://gitlab.com/Danfro/tedit/-/jobs/8989958545/artifacts/download?file_type=archive -
@Josele13 The version will be the same, only when I make a new release it will change. The question is, do you run the app installed from OpenStore? Or did you install it from the link to the pipeline which I posted?
@Josele13 Ok, fine. I will add that then.