@arubislander I has read it. I removed the config files of dekko2 in upstart .cashe, but it didn't work. I change the upgrade channel for develop, and battery time is 24 hours after charging.
Thank you very much for help
@ziggutas Maybe I'm just not understanding the quote "It's a feature which needs to be enable on the device itself.
Please create a bug request against the repository of your device and mentions this commit..."?
Does it simply mean make a regular bug report on git hub?
@guru ...and great! I wish I could use it as well as my daily phone. I do not like to repeat myself so please just read what I have written above. I've nowhere written that there is no possibility to use this OS on a daily phone isn't it? Only I stated above and gave my arguments to this it is not suitable for me as a main OS on daily phone. Wish You all the best!