Post your thoughts here on this tablet...
Lenovo TAB M10 HD TB-x306F 3G/32G android 11 - fully functional ?
So I installed UT with ubports-installer 0.10.0 , a few days ago on this tablet, and I notice some problems that I describe here :
- As explained by @Spymaker the reboot is excessively slow,
- more than 5 MINUTES !
It's a shame that the battery charge indicator isn't visible when the charger cable is plugged in and the device is switched off, but as soon as the device is switched on, UT indicates that it's charged ;
Regrettable: in Waydroid mode, the screen is not rotated in its entirety across the width of the device, there is only one visible part, which corresponds to the part of the UT ( and Waydroid ) applications pane across the width of the tablet screen, so about 1/3 is visible.
So, if I go back to what bothers me so much about a tablet that I'm giving to my dear Mum, so that she can read newspapers, books or any other information, it's that she won't have access to reading across the width of the screen with Waydroid ! So books etc. will have to be downloaded and, for example, stored on a micro SD card, then imported to be read on UT where, fortunately, the display is maximum, both in width and height.
On my OP5T, I can use the entire screen in both height and width, so it's a shame that it doesn't work on a tablet that's supposed to make reading easier and is recommended for people with poor vision !
It should also be noted that the camera has no sound when viewing a video recording made with the tablet ( or, sometimes, very weak sound ), although I have noted that this is a known problem, but one that has been around for far too long! ( when will this bug be solved or a new camera application ? )
So, is UT on the Lenovo TAB M10 HD fully functional ? That depends, of course, on how everyone feels about it.
edit :
and I'd like to add that Vibrations doesn't work with UT.and that when I talk about Waydroid, it's when I'm on Lineage that you can't see the whole screen widthways. so I've made it clearer, I hope...
@Spymaker slightly off-topic but how did you reinstall android after Ubuntu touch was installed in the device?
@Danes Use the Lenovo Software tool. It is by far the easiest way. All you need is the serial number of the device and to follow a few instructions and the tool does the rest.
@MrT10001 thanks a lot, going through that process now...
Trying to install UT on this device, but having trouble getting A11 on it beforehand.
I don't get any A11 update on the stock ROM, and can't, for the life of me, get spflash to detect the device (on a Linux machine). -
@hlbkv Check your device is the 4Gb/64Gb version. 2Gb version is stuck at Android 10.
@MrT10001 It is the 4/64 version, I got it because of that.
I was able to update it with the Lenovo Rescue and Smart Assistant, but I had to both fetch a Windows machine and create a pointless Lenovo account, but it worked. I guess SPFlash tools should work as well and is perhaps the simplest way, but I wasn't able to get it to properly detect the tablet.
@hlbkv "I guess SPFlash tools should work as well and is perhaps the simplest way" - Yes it should, but have found it is not straightforward. At least you are there, Lenovo support can suck at times. Next thing to do is get UT on it....
@MrT10001 Yeah I don't expect to ever need to reflash it anyway.
Anyway, everything in UT seems to be working OK (despite the app ecossystem being quite limited), with the exception of the browser, where font rendering and menu zoom/alignment is subpar and makes it mostly unusable (not sure if it's specific to this device, as it was an unconventional resolution, or a general bug?).
While tinkering with Libertine, firefox works well enough but it's a bit slow.
Anyway, Libertine + Waydroid cover most of my needs. -
@hlbkv Try UT Tweak Tool from OpenStore and under Scaling change grid units to 11. Then everything lines up. Cheers
@DenMoore That fixed it thanks! It also fixed other UI issues e.g. split screen on the default 'Notes' app