UBports Events Agenda
At the moment, official agenda is buggy, so this unofficial agenda may be useful to some people:
March 11, 2018, 15:00, Room V2, speaker Jan Sprinz, Chemnitzer Linux-Tage, Ubuntu Touch – Der Stand von GNU/Linux auf mobilen Geräten,
March 17, 2018 - March 18, 2018, UBports Workshop, Valtech GmbH, Friedenheimer Brücke 29, 80636 München,
March 24, 2018, Merge-IT in Turin,
27th of April, Florian Leeber (Flohack) had a speech together with Aaron Kimmig about UT in Vienna´s metalab: Ubuntu Touch: open source & privacy for mobile devices,
27th, 28th & 29th of April 2018, Xixón, Asturies, Spain, Ubucon Europe 2018: http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/,
May 15, 2018, Lannion, Lionel Duboeuf, "Les OS mobiles alternatifs" (in french)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKUmfpOna4s, slides available here:
http://codedarmor.fr/labs/slidedecks/slides/OS mobiles alternatifs.pdf -
May 19, 2018 - Palma, Walter Garcia Fontes, "UBports i sistemes mòbils alternatius" (in Catalan), Bionic Beaver Install Party, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/BionicBeaverPalma
May 26, 2018 - Foios, Walter Garcia Fontes, "UBports i sistemes mòbils alternatius" (in Catalan), Bionic Beaver Install Party, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/BionicBeaverValència
The slides are copied from Lionel's and extended:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/BionicBeaverValència?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=presentacio_os_mobils.pdf -
26 & 27 of May 2018, "Ubuntu Party de Paris": an UBports booth with some Ubuntu Touch smarphones will be present and even at least one Ubuntu Touch user (source https://t.me/UBports_French/5948),
1, 2 & 3 of June 2018: Geek Faëries V9.0 : Ubports on Ubuntu-Fr booth "lot people asking for #UbuntuTouch #convergence showcase on phone, tablet becoming PC"
Just added "Ubuntu Party de Paris" event this week end.
thanks for the complement, difficult to recognize themx4nexus4 on the photo. -
@libremax yeah not difficult but impossible
Well I still can't find it, @libremax!
It must be the UBports equivalent of a Spot the Ball competition!
Anyone know how it's being received?
Geek Faëries V9.0 added
@libremax On 27th of April, I had a speech together with Aaron Kimmig about UT in Vienna´s metalab
@libremax salut :), the link for my slides is broken in your post ( white spaces). Here is the full link: http://codedarmor.fr/labs/slidedecks/slides/OS mobiles alternatifs.pdf
or https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/LionelDuboeuf/os-mobiles-alternatifs
cheers -
@lduboeuf salut, fixed, evidence that white spaces are not recommended in URL.
@libremax I did two talks in Ubuntu install parties of the Catalan Loco Team.
May 19, 2018 - Palma "UBports i sistemes mòbils alternatius" (in Catalan), Bionic Beaver Install Party, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/BionicBeaverPalma
May 26, 2018 - Foios "UBports i sistemes mòbils alternatius" (in Catalan), Bionic Beaver Install Party, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/BionicBeaverValència
The slides are copied from Lionel's and extended:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/BionicBeaverValència?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=presentacio_os_mobils.pdf -
@wgarcia Thanks, added.
It's interesting to note that 7/10 events participation are simple community member initiatives (not core team members). -
Good to know that there are other "Simple" community members like me, @libremax!