Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi i'm Jonathan from the U.K
I own a meizu pro 5 and use netrunner and ubuntu on my pc/laptop etccareer wise i install and test railway signalling equipment
started off in the early 1980's with sinclair zx81, spectrum ,vic 20 ,dragon 32 and BBC model b computers and the usual Atari 2600 and colecovision consoles
after a a fair few years i am getting back into it with linux and starting to teach myself programming
i aim to have a go at programming for Apps
Bonjour à tous, je viens juste de migrer mon tel BQ Aq5 de Ubuntu Touch vers UB ports. Je compte sur les développeurs et sur la communauté du libre pour assurer le succès d'UBports, j'ai envie de continuer sur Ubuntu, je l'utilise depuis 2008 sur mon ordinateur et depuis 2014 sur mon tel.
Combien sommes nous d'utilisateurs d'UBports ?
Hello everyone, I just migrated my such Bq Aq5 from Ubuntu Touch to UB ports. I rely on developers and the free community to ensure the success of UBports, I want to continue on Ubuntu, I use it since 2008 on my computer and since 2014 on my tel.
How many UBports users are we? -
@PascalDC Bonjour Pascal,
ca va bien?
To answer your question, we dont know, but estimations are between 500 and 700, at least that many have switched to UBports
@zx81 Welcome! Would you be also interested in testing / Q&A? I assume you are an experienced guy from your job when it comes to testing stuff xD
500 to 700 devices already switched to UBports?
wow, I didn't expect that much.
Sure that's nothing compared to Android, but it's a huge amount for that "new" os. -
@Flohack Thanks for your answer, i understand my next phone should be Fairphone or nexus 5 (I didn't find where to by a one plus phone) I'm interested by fairphone 2 but on the list of what's works, GPS is highlighted in pink ? does-it means the GPS doesn’t works with UBports ?
Pour la France, nous sommes au moins 2
i bought my bq5hd in the year 2016.
under phone settings / about device / i found my serial number into 400's..... so i assume/suppose that this was the total number of bq5hds with 'ubuntu-SO' on it/ left the factory....but thats only a theory in my mind. -
@PascalDC on fairphone 2 GPS and AGPS works like charm. Navigation with uNav is reliable and fast.
On est bcp plus nombreux, c'est sur la communauté Ubuntu Touch que j'ai connu UBports et ils m'ont incité à migrer, ils sont nombreux -
@Bastos ok Bastos thanks for your answer.
I should by one of theses fairphone -
Well, the serial of this hardware devices counts also when it's a Android device. Not only Ubuntu. Because the hardware is the same. -
thats very interesting. I search for days for an source of this,
are you shure about this ? I was first thinking the same but....
my problem in this case is that i dont know how the serial number is created. ( find nothing in the networks )
Maybe its closed information of the company, i dont know.
But a device delivered with a extrem low serial number ( low range of 400s..).
its sound for me unbelievable that this number UA004xx only stands for all devices (Android+Ubuntu) from Aquaris.
A company dont sells only 400 devices...that was the reason why i had the theory that this 400 stands only for the
aquaris-devices with Ubuntu on it. it would more compare to @Flohack posts of ca 700 Ubuntu Devices..
i was mentioned that it is even possible that some mobile-phone-factory's run different serial-number-ranges for different mobile-systems ???
It would be very kind if you can say me where you have this information.
( you said "the serial of this hardware devices counts also when it's a Android device" )
How i said. i own an Aquaris-bq5hd.
What are your sources for your final knowledge about this ?
It would be helpful to figure out how many devices are running Ubuntu Touch
( if the serial number are related to the Operating System )
Or we never find outThanks for your reply.
Well, to be true, that's what I think. I don't have any source or prove for this.
I bought my BQ E4.5 very early, just a few days after it was released. Any my serial is more than JU014000. How can they sell more than 14,000 Ubuntu devices in just a few days?
Also my tablet M10 FHD, I bought it right now, when it was available and the serial is almost ML2000
BQ is a small company, so they are not selling thousand devices every day like Samsung.
Well, I can't prove, that's just my thoughts. -
@mike , @WLBI we have a statistics engine: https://stats.ubports.com/ so you can read the number, the contries and the channels
yea 14000 devices are a lot.
thats seems indeed more like android + ubuntu
thanks -
awesome thanks -
I am a recovering geek who mistakenly thought biology would be my calling, and while stumbling through grad school, still found time to spend an inordinate amount of time learning about Linux, and open source software and hardware.
My first smartphone was a the FirefoxOS-powered ZTE Open C, and the second phone is my Nexus 5 which is currently running LineageOS. I have the M10 FHD which I am willing to use as a test device for the latest images.
I enjoy using the latest software and find reporting bugs and seeing them resolved to be a very rewarding experience.
i have just migrated my meizu pro 5 ubuntu edition to ubports (i don't want to come back to android or whatever else OS
I'm a french user, software programmer (in fortran, not really usefull for operating system). The only text editor i use is the powerfull vi
I use ubuntu from 2006 on my personal computers and unix/linux since 1999 for the professional side (at the university for the first years ). So i was happy to find ubuntu on phones, but a little bit disapointed when i hear about the last news from ubuntu. UBPorts is my last hope to continue to enjoy linux on my phone
Thanks to everyone for the works already done. -
I am Frank live in The Netherlands and been playing with Ubuntu Touch since I have a FairPhone2.
Also setting up the ut4fp.org website and crm. Now trying to assist this project on Marketing side of things.I play with OpenSource software personally since '90s and professionally since 2012.
See you ou there!