Two big two and people don't challenge that
Yeah! I hear ya, @marek_python!
"All my family and friends..." is a comment I've received more than once...
People are attached to their devices. They like to use the apps they use...
Whatever people say; it does take a concerted effort to decide to go Open Source, and some people - even if they think/know they should, or even want to - never quite get there.
But even if they're not quite ready to make the change, as I said before, there are apps available on all platforms for things like Matrix and Mastodon... It's really not too much to ask of them to download an app onto their device...
Yeah ... I'm totally with you on this. People don't have to necessarily ditch their phones for UT. Especially if they like the design of the phone they use. Like for example Sony makes phones with really nice design. So yeah ... keep your phone but you can try out DuckDuck Go, ProtonMail, Diaspora apps. All of them are available in Google Play and App Store. All of them are designed not to compromise one's privacy. My girlfriend says DuckDuckGo app on iPhone runs quite slow she says.
Agreed on the requirement for OS-alternatives.
I´d like to point out that UT still only provides syncing contacts to one of the biggest data-kraken google (or SIM...) or requires specific skills like scripting, setting up your own server or the like.
That doesn´t make sense to me. In my opinion mobile-OS-alternatives should first and foremost cover some basics before they get fancy (no offense, be as fancy as you like!), I consider carddav as basics for contacts.
correct me if I´m wrong or if I missed something.
(missing carddav-option is the reason why UT is NOT my daily driver and as you might guess I am not a linux scripter :-)) -
@obacht have you try
@advocatux thank you, I´ve seen this for the first time.
it doesn´t work at first try. I am not shure but from what I understand that´s due to webdav (supported by ghostcloud) is more to "extend your filesystem", it allows file transfer.
But that is not what I need for syncing of contacts (carddav) or calendar (caldav). Those protocolls are not "included" in webdav (which was my first assumption). -
@obacht are you in (telegram) or (matrix) groups?
Edit: both groups are bridged, you just need to join one of them
nor, would it help? -
@obacht I think so, you can find there how people are syncing
@advocatux Thank You! I appreciate your approach, I´ll consider joining these groups (and services) later, I do not have the time (not right now) to dive into scripting in Linux and stuff
@hummlbach same same here: Thank You! from what I understand in that linked github-thing is that there might be a solution maybe soon for GUI-dependant dummies like me.
Sounds very promising and worth the wait for me!
I´ll be very happy once my personal set of requirements will be covered by UT ootb.keep up the good work everybody
and sorry @marek_python for hijacking your thread
When it comes to computers and operating systems (incl. smartphones) things get binary. Its a problem of our society still. Using anything else than microsoft, apple and google makes you a strange nerd that does not accept anything. I think its the fear of the unknown and the disability to open to new ideas.
What we can do is enjoing our ubports system (that is absolutely adfree by the way!!!) and keep being strange nerds (my last windows was win2000). I don't think ubports will get a real competitor to the big ones, for this it has too good intentions. But it is an alternative that works already pretty good. (it works impressively if we consider that we don't have support from hardwaresuppliers!). Hopefully our society once will get more openminded... -
I´d like to add that it might not only be the fear of the unknown or the disability to new ideas (even though it may be true for a vast number of cases). I assume rather more than less would switch soon once they are presented a running system that fits their needs. But that “label” is likely to be seen differently by different people. And sure on top of that you get the habitat issues and what people are used to, I agree, that´s tough educational work....
My case does sure not reflect the majority but I think that quite some of those GUI dependent UT-aspirants out there are just hoping to have their core functionalities implemented in UT soon. Maybe we´re just a bit hesitant with the system as it is because not everybody is keen on learning how to script and dive into linux (Division of work has some good reasons :-))
But that does not denounce the "nerd" - instead the "UT-nerd" should take pride in the fact that he or she is working us all out of that dependency of the kraken. And that is a very important thing to do.
Hats off to everybody who contributes to Ubuntu Touch!