Should Ubuntu Touch be renamed?
I'm just throwing it out there. Was this brought up before? If so - what alternative names were suggested?
I think it should be, yes.This topic comes up from time to time.
Then some defend the Ubuntu badge.
Then there's discussion of other names... None of which can be used for various reasons, and none which will be used because someone will have nabbed it, it having already been published here.I just hope they settle for something better than lomiri.
I think it will eventually happen but not now and it's not much important at the moment and won't bring any improvements now.
I'd be in favor of a name change.
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What are the foreseen advantages of a name change for the OS?
Ubuntu is a registered trademark and might not be possible to use in the future.
Also, the project might at some point switch to an upstream Debian base and then have little in common with Ubuntu.
@poVoq But the project has Canonical's permission to use the name Ubuntu Touch.
If and when a switch is made to Debian, and this is the first I've heard of it, then it will be soon enough to make a name change. At the noment there really is no pressing need.EDIT: changed 'sanction' to 'permission' for clarity
No. Not right now.
@UniSuperBox Fair enough.
@arubislander I think a fresh 1 word name not linked to anything else would boost the project.
@Opolork Yumiri
except that's linked to 2 things
@Opolork That's for Unity8 but glad you like it
@Lakotaubp said in Should Ubuntu Touch be renamed?:
@Opolork That's for Unity8 but glad you like it
I know but I meant I like the name. Something like that would be ideal for UT IMO.
@Opolork Can remember a good cleaning product that was commonly used in the UK called JIF it seemed to disappear all of a sudden from the shelves. Years later I discovered they had re-named it but I can't think what the name is. Oh well I just bought another cleaning product; after all what's in a name - it's usually just for recognition purposes.