Why I love UT
First of all would be: the community. Alwasy responsive, answers to your questions and problems, simple or complex.
Then would be UT system as a whole.
The fact that you can have an OS so advanced without the issues that Android and iOS bring it is in itself the biggest achievement. Now there is an alternative. It's not perfect. It will never be. No OS is perfect, but UT can bebetter than “the others” -
Today I was watching a video on youtube about PinePhone and there I saw this function that I didn't knew existed. I'm likeLove it!!!
This function with the sliding app tray is just brilliant. Some were arguing that the background is unused space. I will tell them to see it as “your space”. You could have a picture that you love and it won't be covered by apps. -
And the color theme of the sliding tray is so well designed. Big thumbs up to the team!!!
And the way the search window goes away with the tray shows that someone showed attention to details and a lot of programming! -
Dark theme!
Try doing that on Android!
Black is sexxxxxy!!! -
This one!
Choose your playlist, hit play, turn off the screen and enjoy! Hehe... -
As an advice to you for not triggering @Lakotaubp i would say to you that kind of topic is to be posted in "off topic" section of the forum.
And if you could reduce sizing of your images (by 4 would be good), that would be good for not trigering forumers eyes :grinning_face_with_sweat:
Beside making your posts much more clear and readable ^^
Edit : oh i see you just reduced a little images sizing, good start ("by 4" was from original sizing)
@Keneda I'm writing from the UT phone in the webapp right now so they don't look that big to me. I don't know how they are changed when viewed in desktop mode since I'm on mobile. I will refrain posting photos. I'm changing the cathegory now. Thanks for the tipps!
@Keneda Think we can leave it in General......for now
@Lakotaubp Thanks! I will write something nice about you as well! :)))))))))
Wow, i didn't see that coming :grinning_face_with_sweat: -
@C0n57an71n said in Why I love UT:
I will refrain posting photos.
Don't, that's your topic... And that reminds me one lack in UT, there is no tool for downsizing images.
But a good app for quick effects on them : https://open-store.io/app/instantpho.dobey
@C0n57an71n No need
@C0n57an71n said in Why I love UT:
First of all would be: the community. Alwasy responsive, answers to your questions and problems, simple or complex.
UBports community is doing well with :
make entry as easy as possible for anyone to enter,
make contribute in every way imaginable as easy as possible for anyone,
make come back as easy as possible (whatever the reasons for the previous departure)That's why I love UBports community and I think that's why this community has been and will continue to be successful.
What I love about Linux in general, is that it may not be as refined as some others, but you can do cool stuff with it. Sandboxing, spoofing, security, hacking, etc.
@Nathan123 You're not getting borred with it, for sure!
@Keneda I've tried with it, but I can't find a risize option whatsoever, just change the proportions width/height.
Here's another nice feature that you won't find on Android or iOS: The screen with the apps turns in landscape and works as suposed! Pretty neat!