new line not being sent in SMS
It seems the SMS app is stripping out new lines, i have tried adding double new lines, but the text still gets sent as one long and difficult to read sentence
on the off chance there is a work around, im posting here? any special chars which might break this behavior? otherwise i think new sms per new line is the only option lol
Same here. -
Same here.
I think it is this known problem :
Is it ? -
@domubpkm yeah, when this and the contact icon in the top bar, will make the messaging app, so much nicer!
Yes it is. But not related to "-" character. -
yes it is fixed, and PR waiting to be merged hopefuly soon
btw it is already testable now. You can find the link in and report your feedback there -
Will the patch for long text under images issue will be merged in the same release ?Édit : OK next time i’ll check your link before posting :grinning_face_with_sweat: , answer to my question is yes...