root partition's size on different phone
@Lakotaubp Thanks for the reply, but I need to use apt to install, for example, I want to install opencv. Why is there so little root partition capacity? If installing with a large-capacity mobile phone, can the root partition become larger?
@kugiigi Thanks for the reply, but I need to use apt to install, for example, I want to install opencv. Tried some of the methods provided in the community, and it was unsuccessful. Why is there so little root partition capacity? If installing with a large-capacity mobile phone, can the root partition become larger?
@bigwang I think the size is mainly because of the limitation in android-based devices...I believe it's the cache partition which is used for applying updates. These are the commands I used to resize on my Nexus 5. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DON"T BLAME ME FOR ANYTHING THAT WILL HAPPEN :face_with_tears_of_joy:
This resizes it to 5GB.sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/userdata/system.img bs=1MiB seek=5000 count=0 sudo e2fsck -f /userdata/system.img sudo resize2fs -f /dev/loop0
Or if you insist on using apt you break the system
@kugiigi Thanks, I know the risks. But after I executed three commands in sequence, the root partition was still 2G. I don't know what went wrong.
@Lakotaubp Well, because I have to install OpenCV. If you know how to install or whether the root partition of a large-capacity mobile phone will also become larger, please let me know, thank you.
You need to install OpenCV ?
That is not a utility program, but a library.
So if you're trying to build an app using OpenCV then you should start by reading how to make apps for Ubuntu Touch.
Dependencies are a bit tricky and you can either copy the binary lib within you click package or compile the library along with your code.If OpenCV is a dependency for another app, then use Libertine container.
Understand what is blocking you and follow our instructions. Insisting in your direction won't probably help you achieve your goal. Resizing the rootfs and mounting it RW is 99% a bad idea.
Camera scanner is using opencv
if your app also needs opencv you can look there how to handle that dependencie
@bigwang Sorry, I forgot to say that this doesn't work while booted anymore. It was working before but now it's not. You have to do it in recovery or fastboot
Why can't you install OpenCV in libertine?