[Testing] NFC for Halium 9 ports
@mateo_salta Yes, this seems to be a non-NFC-Forum compliant tag at first sight. Nice to see you playing around with it though! It should be ready for OTA-17.
@fredldotme ah, looks like that is the case only certain types of readers can work with them: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45523081/how-to-read-the-mifare-classic-tag-using-the-nfca-class
If someone can confirm the program works, I can try and compile the other qt examples to use
that it was detecting like it was, I think it is working as it should then
Looks like I need to find some different tags
no worries, these were old 1kb.
researching more, perhaps these: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4032 , the website even sites problems with mifare: "Unlike "Classic 1K" cards (a.k.a MiFare S50s), these tags are more secure and work with almost any phone with RFID support since they avoid the patent issues with Mifare, which requires an NXP chipset or license fee."
we could also make a system settings page,
not sure what all will go in besides on/off right now
-allow tags to wake device - or not, turn off service on sleep?
-configure tag for long random string, for secondary login like fingerprint (then pin + tag unlock setting) (there are nfc rings perfect for this) or put on your favourite speaker and have it unlock and launch music player automatically?- maybe display plain text tag as notification?
- emulate tag, for phone to phone, touching messages/browser url share,
oh, I see the settings page in github, cool. is there going to be a indicator?
@mateo_salta maybe it should just be added to the bluetooth indicator instead of making a seperate one for it
Maybe we can consolidate WIFI, Bluetooth and NFC into one indicator in the future, but that's out-of-scope for the initial release.
@fredldotme yes, i think the plan is location, bluetooth, ect. as the other networking options are together, wifi, ethernet, cellular
I think we would also want to build in automatic uri/url handling -
Many tags are written to launch a website/url, and we would want these to be sent to the url dispatcher automatically, would be simple to just call open url externally, url dispatcher takes care of the rest.I have received new tags, and once written on another device the app i compiled reads then perfectly, we may need to recompile something to enable writing, as the code comments that it was disabled.
The tags I got are ntag 213 ( a watch style tag, and a ring style tag) I plan on writting a custom url (i think "clock://" to open the clock on the "watch band", then maybe we can see what it would take to make a password ring
@mateo_salta I've already taken a look into QtNfc not allowing writes, I know where to enable it. Might take some time though.
For the URL handling: Yes, this has also been requested by Nymea devs, but at the current pace it might not make the cut for OTA-17.
@fredldotme cool, will be great to have the app usability at first, thank you for all the wor.
@mateo_salta i could probally write a basic app that just passes on the url to urldispatcher as a stopgap, i think that will be my next thing to try
@mateo_salta Could you possibly release a version of your demo QtNfc writer app with the
policy group enabled? I would like to test it in a confined environment. Or even better, could you release the source code for it? -
NFC should be in next dev :
But in concrete terms, what will this technology implemented on UT smartphones allow us to do in daily use? -
@domubpkm depends on what app developers can envision and implement with it. It could be used for home automation for example, triggering events via NFC tags.
I almost never used NFC in my life. Maybe once or twice I used it to automatically pair bluetooth devices
But that's why I'm really looking forward having it on UT because I'm pretty sure I will use it. I've used a lot things just because they are available on UT -
@fredldotme oh yeah, the source is in the example folders of qt-master, they have a handfull of demos, I will try the apparmor, didn't know that was going yet
@kugiigi I'm looking foward to trying this example, ( https://github.com/qt/qtconnectivity/blob/8618e25e01ca9c6c6b2221041f625ac69f6757b8/examples/nfc/corkboard/corkboards.qml) and sticking some of the stickers on my refrigerator as notes
Is there already a test app? I have at least one device here where I would love to test it...
@fredldotme I tried to build the p2p-demo with clickable, but get the error, that "nfc" is an unsupported policy-group... do I have to use some modified docker image for building this?