Morph browser freeze
Do you experience this with touch scrolling?
Because I have this issue only when using a mouse to scroll and when it happens touch scroll still works. I've already logged an issue about this but I'm not sure yet how to exactly replicate it. Like you said, it happens per tab and doesn't happen in every tab. -
In my case touch screen, can't say if mouse operation could work as I don't use one for browsing on my smartphone -
@3t_ed This is interesting. I'll try to see if I can replicate this because I don't remember encountering this with touch scrolling.
That would be great although I wouldn't know how, seems to be happening as random occurances. Hope you can try and figurr it out. In the previous releases I have not experienced the freezes. -
In addition, not sure if it's related but the freezes happened during forum sessions/instances, I believe all of them were Discourse based. Hope this helps.
@3t_ed Yes I have experienced issues with the keyboard too.
Thanks for confirming, glad to know it drove someone else mad tooNo way I could get the keyboard from appearing. Fortunately it happens ocasionally and reboot helps. Hope this will solved in the next ota release.
Adding another use case:
This morning I have been able to use the keyboard when browsing on Morph. When opening a new (private) tab , I could not enter a URL due to the keyboard not appearing automatically not by swiping up while this time touch scrolling was working. The dialogue box (editor) on forums, including UBports, would appear yet not letting me edit anything (keyboard missing), strangely on some forums I could not swipe down the dialoque box/editor entirely, just a bit.
When going back to previous tabs (which worked fine prior to opening a new tab) I could not get the keyboard to show up anymore either. When switching to an other application like Dekko 2 however, the keyboard did appear and was working just fine.
Just wondering , do you have Launcher Modular app installed? -
@3t_ed No I haven't installed Launcher Modular.
May I ask what the connection with the Morph browser is?
Of course you can. For some time I have seen some abnomalies on my phone and whole the OTA's keep coming I get this feeling the Launcher Modular dev has been put on hold too long, so it made me wonder if it could be (partly) causing the issues. Again, I wasn't sure, as you do not use LM I can probably rule that one out and frankly I'm happy with that because I have really grown accustomed to the launcher. -
I think the keyboard not appearing is a general issue that happens in any app from time to time. My workaround when this happens is usually open the app drawer and focus the search field. After that, keyboard works again in the app. Although there are indeed more keyboard issues in morph/webapps so maybe this is one of them.
@kugiigi said in Morph browser freeze:
I think the keyboard not appearing is a general issue that happens in any app from time to time.
Issue occur on my MX4 on messaging app mostly.
Sometime i "loose" the keyboard, and i have to go see another contact thread, then back in order to have KB back, or sometime close app. -
I realize I get the scrolling issue on Pesbuk but I don't think I ever encountered it on morph.
So I got this freeze again.
Having multiple tabs open in Morph, strange thing is that the only website that does not allow scrolling is a 2FA verified Discourse based website. On an other tab there's a Discourse based website with regular (non-2FA verified) account which allows scrolling just fine.
Could the 2FA be related, does that even make any sense?