uRSSES app
Yep that's what I meant. Exporting (and importing) bookmarks would be a great addition. Thanks! -
@3t_ed said in uRSSES app:
Now I can't imagine this UTTT being a stand alone app, it should be an integrated part of UBports.
A LOT OF PEOPLE AGREE 100% with you but sadly the developers have not decided yet to do so...
I was also surprised that such basic functionality is not available in the OS by default when it comes to the app management part for example!
Hopefully... one day... they will... but for now... a lot of more patience I guess ?!
@nero355 said in uRSSES app:
A LOT OF PEOPLE AGREE 100% with you but sadly the developers have not decided yet to do so...
There's just a handful of them, and they are currently working really hard on getting UT to the Ubuntu 20.04 base. That is probably why.
@nero355 said in uRSSES app:
A LOT OF PEOPLE AGREE 100% with you but sadly the developers have not decided yet to do so...
Maybe, but based on what ?
A lot of people is not a defined metric ; also the core team and others developers are included in those people wanting to merge the UTTT to the system settings.
When you write things like that it seems like you're pointing the finger and that people deliberately do not do something that has to be done.
Nothin HAS to be done and there might be reasons why it is not... yet (hopefully)
What developers ? On what authority ? Anyone is welcome to contribute to the OS as long as some principle are respected ; that's an issue for UTTT and for alternative app launchers. This topic was explained in very long threads here on the forum if you wish to learn more about it.Priorities are explained during the Q&A and spreading this information can be done by everyone and helps.
When saying that "they don't want to make UT great again" is not helping.
So it was already said in previous Q&A that this is a long term plan but the priority is on 20.04 ; contributions are welcome to integrate UTTT feature in the system settings as long as it doesn't break the system and it is done in a clean way, no a hacky unmaintainable way.I was also surprised that such basic functionality is not available in the OS by default when it comes to the app management part for example!
Idem when you say "basic" it doesn't mean anything.
It's not because you think something has to be, that everyone agrees. And it also doesn't mean that it is easy which can be associated with something "basic".Hopefully... one day... they will... but for now... a lot of more patience I guess ?!
I'm sure as @Moem said in another post that you don't mean to be rude.
But it seems like you are...
Many of us are not native English speaker and lot can be lost in translation.
So please be careful to not appears judgemental ; as always this is a friendly community and contribution is key.
Pointing things and making them seems trivial is not helping at all (subtle difference, bug tracking is not pointing things).
Our responsibility as community members is to avoid putting more pressure on the core team.
Because if one snaps it could be the end of UT or at least put us all in a bad situation.
So we better ask ourselves how we can help relieve the burden off their shoulders. -
Meanwhile and regardless of the priorities set by UBports @darkeye is doing a great job on this RSS application which does not need to be integrated. Perhaps him keep on improving the app and being open to suggestions is an even faster way to have a good app rather than waiting for the team to have it embedded.
So if you're willing to contribute, even though you're no programmer, please feel free to bring improvements to the table for this app to go mainstream among the UT users, getting them better features and donating to @darkeye for developing. When the team is ready for it we'll see what is the status of uRSSES.
Everytime i find Ubuntu Touch not going forward fast enough for me i remember myself : without the core team, it'd be dead 5 years ago.
@keneda said in uRSSES app:
Everytime i find Ubuntu Touch not going forward fast enough for me i remember myself : without the core team, it'd be dead 5 years ago.
But I can't help also wonder if it was worth the time and effort of those guys : What if they worked on another project that perhaps has a bigger chance of surviving in that same period ?!
@applee said in uRSSES app:
Maybe, but based on what ?
The problem is that there is no CORRECT information about that part so we will never know and can only guess!
A lot of people is not a defined metric
Read the UTTT Reviews and you will have a very good metric!
also the core team and others developers are included in those people wanting to merge the UTTT to the system settings.
Show me at least a forum post or weblog about that ?? fact ??
When you write things like that it seems like you're pointing the finger and that people deliberately do not do something that has to be done.
Nothin HAS to be done and there might be reasons why it is not... yet (hopefully)
What developers ? On what authority ?That's the impression I have and I am sure a lot more people do too!
I am not pointing fingers : I want clarity.
That's all...Anyone is welcome to contribute to the OS as long as some principle are respected ; that's an issue for UTTT and for alternative app launchers. This topic was explained in very long threads here on the forum if you wish to learn more about it.
OK, fine : Which topic(s) ?!
Priorities are explained during the Q&A and spreading this information can be done by everyone and helps.
When saying that "they don't want to make UT great again" is not helping.So far the Q&A blogs are not clear enough about certain things which need clarity!
See the last ones as an example :
- We ask a clear question.
- We get an answer that is totally not what we have asked for...
So it was already said in previous Q&A that this is a long term plan but the priority is on 20.04 ; contributions are welcome to integrate UTTT feature in the system settings as long as it doesn't break the system and it is done in a clean way, no a hacky unmaintainable way.
So those features were never planned ahead ?!
Idem when you say "basic" it doesn't mean anything.
It's not because you think something has to be, that everyone agrees. And it also doesn't mean that it is easy which can be associated with something "basic".I am not saying it's easy but you and I both know damn well that EVERY Android and iOS phone has those features and it's completely LOGICAL or even a MUST to have those features on your phone!
Come on... be honest! Take of the pink glasses!
@nero355 said in uRSSES app:
OK, fine : Which topic(s) ?!
Similar topic suggested by Dalton during the last Q&A was the app launcher.
You can find this thread about it to give you a deeper understanding that what you imagine simple is really not that simple.
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2579/i-wanna-go-home?_=1642580214370So those features were never planned ahead ?!
How would they ?
I am not saying it's easy but you and I both know damn well that EVERY Android and iOS phone has those features and it's completely LOGICAL or even a MUST to have those features on your phone!
Come on... be honest! Take of the pink glasses!I'll answer only this point in more details as I'm getting tired.
No I don't know what is done on Android and iOS... and I personnaly don't give a damn.
And no it is not logical to do the same as Android or iOS when we want to build an alternative to those OSes.
I installed UT tweak tool but rarely used it.
Also I think that there are enough settings and I like the simple aspect of it. I might be knowledgeable in IT, I don't want to read a user manual to use my phone or search for hours how to change my ringtone.My only use for it was to setup PureMaps server (not sure that's the correct name) for offline GPS.
I needed to avoid app suspension for it to work.
But the hacky way it is done renders it rarely useful (used it really a couple of time).Yes I want a proper background GPS service. And that's a serious topic many times mentionned in Q&A.
I also understand and share the idea that it is simply not the time for this.
I'll praise the developer willing to solve this issue but I cannot tackle it myself at the moment. If the need is really there, than probably I'll handle it myself. But ... priorities.So once and for all do not mistake what YOU think is needed and what YOU think is right with what is best, needed or right to the COMMUNITY or the foundation.
I just proved you I don't share your opinion. And I bet someone do not share mine AND yours.
People are different and that's what make them interesting. -
@nero355 said in uRSSES app:
But I can't help also wonder if it was worth the time and effort of those guys : What if they worked on another project that perhaps has a bigger chance of surviving in that same period ?!
In that same period, there was only Ubuntu Touch as an alternative usable mobile devices opensource GNU/Linux OS.
Problem came after, when some people decided that canonical is opensource Evil, and even after the drop, instead of contributing and ehancing UT, made other OSes...
Why is this discussion still going on in what is supposed to be a dedicated thread for the uRSSES thread only?
Maybe you can all continue in a separate topic or have this thread be split? @Lakotaubp ^^
You're right we allowed this thread to go OT for too long.@darkeye said in uRSSES app:
@3t_ed do you mean that you want to export the bookmarks?
Thata a good idea. ill added to the gitlab issues list hopefully it will be simple and i can deliver it in the next releaseTo go back on track I'd say a big thank you to @darkeye for their work.
Hopefully we'll get a great new feature in our RSS reader. -
@keneda said in uRSSES app:
In that same period, there was only Ubuntu Touch as an alternative usable mobile devices opensource GNU/Linux OS.
Jolla Sailfish exists for about 10 years now!
Problem came after, when some people decided that canonical is opensource Evil, and even after the drop, instead of contributing and ehancing UT, made other OSes...
That's new to me... send me a PM for more info please!