Scrolling issue (jerky, stuttering)
Hi all - I've recently installed Ubuntu Touch on a Pixel 3a, and am super impressed with the status of the project!
The one issue I'm having is that scrolling a webpage (using e.g. the Morph browser or Quickddit) is not smooth at all. Rather, it is pretty jerky - enough that you wouldn't want to do it for long.
This issue doesn't affect other areas of the UI, so I don't think it's a hardware problem. For example, the notification/setting shade at the top pulls down beautifully - very smooth with no stuttering.
Any thoughts? Is this a known issue?
As this is in the Waydroid section, have you installed Waydroid and is it running when you use the Morph Browser? The Stuttering is usually down to something running in the background.
Apologies - when I clicked on New Post, I was forced to choose a category and the only one available was Waydroid. I'm not running Waydroid, and the stuttering happens even immediately after a restart with nothing else running.
Is it possible to move this post to the appropriate place? Again, please accept my apologies - I'm new here.
L Lakotaubp moved this topic from Waydroid on
@talonfive post moved
Some say it's also an issue in Volla.
Can you try the Onion Surf app? Someone said scrolling is smoother there. -
@Lakotaubp thanks for moving my post!
@kugiigi thanks for the recommendation. I tried the Onion Surf app, but same problem - scrolling is still very jerky.
@talonfive Did you really try this link :
Scrolling is much smoother with Onion-surf than Morph-browser on the Volla. I tried it again and I confirm. -
Perhaps a short video of your devices could help
I've just tried this on my Volla Phone X. On a large web page (several screens full) the scrolling is jerky if you use the scroll bar button on the side, but if you just put a finger on the page and drag it it is fine. I'm guessing that it is a 'precision' problem with large pages. I tried again on a smaller page and it was OK.