Can someone tell me how to access my voice mail.I have a pixel 3a .Dont see any where how to call voice mail. Calling my number from the phone does not work.
Number to call voicemail depends on your provider.
For instance, for my probider it's 888, for my previous one it was 123, and so on.
What is your provider? -
C CiberSheep moved this topic from General on
@billboy5690 pressing and holding the '1' button gets me through on mine without entering the number.
Do not work for me. I can see the "tape" icon under the 1, but it's greyed and if i hold 1, it just prompt 1 for one second and then nothing.Maybe the 1/tape recorder call only works with some SIMs that "tells" the phone wich it is ?
Anyone else out there with a Pixel 3a that can comment on this?
I have a Volla Phone X now, before that a Nexus 5, and before that an E5. All of them detected my 3 SIM and populated 'System Settings' -> Phone -> Call Forwarding and 'System Settings' -> Phone -> 3 Services.
If your phone isn't doing that then you need to find out how to do this manualy or contact whoever set up the automation to find out why it did not work for either your provider, or your phone. Does anyone know who looks after this?
The 1 button works for me.... Thanks for pointing that out. Every day I learn something new!
@keneda Might well be.
@keneda My provider is AT&T
@lakotaubp Hello thank you.Holding the 1 key works. (Pixel 3a) Simple solution but not so simple if didnt talk to you guys. It also brings up a phone number I used to see on my old lumia phone when I would retrieve voice mail on that device.
Chipping away at the minor issues. Thanks again. -
@billboy5690 IIRC some operators autofix the voicemail to quickdial position 1. It should work on all device OS(at least it does on android) not just a UT thing.
@lakotaubp I dont know much about android phones .I tried to use one my brother has (galaxy)
I did not like the experience and the forced bloatware and spyware.All these years I have been using an AT&T lumia 535.I would still be using it if not for the fact Att stopped supporting it. Happy with the UT experience on my Pixel 3a