Cannot receive text messages while 4G is enabled
Got the same issue but no progress at all.
I posted this to the Telegram channel linked above and this is what I got:
Eryk Wdowiak, [10/1/2022 10:45 AM]
[In reply to Doctor Lejos]
Ive had similar experiences with T-Mobile. When your phone (and my phone) is registered in LTE (4G), calls come in over the internet context (not the IMS context). And because your SMS messages should not come in over the internet context, they arrive until they stop arriving. So then, you have to register your phone in GSM (2G) or UMTS (3G) to receive them.
As you said, set the connection type to "2G/3G" and restart your phone.Doctor Lejos, [10/1/2022 11:10 AM]
Hmm okare there any carriers that don't have issues with this phone? My 2G and 3G service in my bedroom is only working about half the time.
Eryk Wdowiak, [10/1/2022 11:14 AM]
[In reply to Doctor Lejos]
Ubuntu Touch works best as a 2G/3G phone. Support for 4G voice calling (i.e. VoLTE) is under active investigation.So my understanding is this is a UBPorts USA problem and that all phones on every carrier don't receive text messages here unless you disable 4G.
@drlejos I get that impression too. I installed Marius binaries and calls work in 4G, and I can only send SMS. No MMS ever. Been putzing with it as it is.
@drlejos said in Cannot receive text messages while 4G is enabled:
So my understanding is this is a UBPorts USA problem
Not just USA, it is all of north America including Canada.
Im having the same issue in the UK, though my network is obscure. Going to get a new sim next week with a different network to see if the issue is that.
@crumpets Before that check your settings are correct in System Settings, Mobile, APN. My Plusnet sim ends up with settings for Orange iirc not EE internet. Probably not the issue for sms but might be worth acheck. Along with the other mobile settings. Never had a problem on the OP5 as far as sms went.
Same issue here with Mint Mobile (T Mobile). At first, unable to receive calls at all but calling out and texting worked intermittenly. After a "factory" reset to set API back to default, (I did mess around with API settings to try to get calls to work) the past couple days I could send/receive calls, and send texts, all very quickly and easily but couldn't receive texts at all. Switching to 2G/3G didn't help. After flashing android back onto my Pixel 3a, all of the texts I didn't receive on UT flooded into my text message inbox. Bummer since I LOVE the UI for Ubuntu touch, but need more consistent reliability.
I will definitely be keeping updated though. Once a solid solution is found, I will be back on Ubuntu Touch without a moment's hesitation. -
@spaceman_spiff A fix is being worked on but a short term cheat is to switch airplane mode on and off. Not great but it is meant to work.
@lakotaubp i can attest to this working
@lakotaubp Nice, that's actually not that bad of a workaround. I couldn't resist going back to UT to give it another chance so I flashed it back onto my device and texting/calls worked fine on 2g/3g for a day and a half, though still no mms. Then yesterday I stopped getting texts again. Luckily, I have a work phone too so I can just periodically switch airplane mode on/off and send a text to verify. Thanks!
@spaceman_spiff Not my fix, read about it on the forum or TELEports, but if it works, good. It is one of the tricks to remember for any sort of connectivity issue on UT, try switching airplane mode on and off first