To ensure freedom of choice and privacy as the greatest good
I find myself open to another privacy violation using ubuntu touch.
@audrew Another? You mean there have been more than one? Please explain both examples in detail, as you have told us nothing of substance so far.
@audrew Yes as @cliffcoggin asks please provide full details of what has occured. Without this we can provide nothing to help or correct any issue perceived or otherwise.
@lakotaubp That said, if it comes to security vulnerabilities, the forum is not the right place to talk about it. Raise issues directly privately to the core team I think.
@domubpkm Some indication of the event is needed. That way if it is a secuity issue in UT we can point them in the right direction. If not UT related we can again point them to a source of help.
At present we do not know device, update channel or port status. It could be Waydroid, Libertine related we just don't know and this is the second one.
If there is a genuine issue then for me everyone should be aware of it, so the forum is probably the best place to start. -
tbh without explanation I consider this trolling.