20.04 Update Channels
The Update channels option in System Settings will now start and show both RC and Devel Channel updates where available. If not labelled as 20.04 RC and Developement they will be the bottom two channels available.
@lakotaubp Will the 1st stable 20.04 only be achieved insofar as the hotspot is functional? In my case I am thinking of Volla. Can you get the info? Thank you.
@domubpkm Not sure on Volla maybe ask here https://forums.ubports.com/topic/8430/20-04-volla-phone/22 but it works from what I have been told on FP4 already. As for 20.04 Stable you might not have to long a wait.
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L Lakotaubp referenced this topic on
I don't if it's just me, but I don't get any 'RC' channel on my System Settings, only 'Development'.
@hlbkv This is a really old thread about 20.04. Do you mean 24.04 or is your issue with 20.04?
Either way there are more up to date threads on the forum. This is the latest info for 24.04 https://forums.ubports.com/topic/10762/status-update-on-the-next-noble-based-ubuntu-touch-release-february-2025/21 Which does only have the one update channel at present. -
@Lakotaubp AFAIK there isn't an official release of 24.04 for my device, so my issue is related to 20.04.
I only get a '20.04 Development' channel on the settings, and I haven't found a reference to such an issue anywhere else on this forum, hence my previous comment. -
@hlbkv What device is it?
@Lakotaubp The Lenovo M10 tablet. I've noticed that this particular device only has the development channel listed on the official page, so I guess there's nothing wrong there, although it is unclear to me why that is.
Although I'm having trouble with the last couple of updates, but I'll open a new thread about that.
@hlbkv Here is probably best https://forums.ubports.com/category/110/lenovo though it may well be because development of that devices ha snot got any further.
I will lock this thread now. -
L Lakotaubp locked this topic