Is anyone working on a Deutschland-Ticket App for Ubuntu Touch? D-Ticket
@Lakotaubp Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware of, there seems to be no website/online-only version of the Deutschland-Ticket app that I could use to create a web app. There are different providers that sell the ticket (register, buy, and view/display the ticket), but it seems to me that all require iOS/Android apps to do this. It seems to be that there is no web version available. I would be very happy, if someone found web-only access to the Deutschland-Ticket.
@GT A quick search found this page. Any use?
@Ian said in Is anyone working on a Deutschland-Ticket App for Ubuntu Touch? D-Ticket:
A quick search found this page. Any use?
That's about the normal tickets, not this specific special one-month ticket.
It seems that this is indeed only available in the app; I would personally try Waydroid.. -
@Moem Whoops. My bad. I did say it was a quick search
My copy and paste failed. Is this any better?
I'm afraid, there is no public developer API. But what I got from is that you'll get your ticket monthly as PDF file by e-mail. So you can use it without a special app and you can open it easily on UT.
@Schlicki2808 Thanks, that sounds great. seems to really send the ticket as PDF.
This seems to be a solution at least for 2023, that's great. Whether the PDF/paper version will work from 2024 onwards is unclear. Please see:
"Gibt es das Deutschlandticket auch in Papierform? (
Grundsätzlich wird das Deutschlandticket digital angeboten – also per App oder auf einer Chipkarte. Verkehrsunternehmen, die aktuell noch nicht in der Lage sind, ein solches digitales Ticket bereitzustellen, können übergangsweise ein Papierticket mit QR-Code ausgeben – längstens aber bis zum 31. Dezember 2023.
Die Digitalisierung bietet die Chance, die öffentlichen Verkehrsdienstleistungen für die Menschen attraktiver und passgenauer zu gestalten. Gerade in der ÖPNV-Branche besteht hier ein großer Nachholbedarf. Ein digitales Deutschlandticket ist ein wichtiger Schritt für die weitere Digitalisierung des Sektors." -
C CiberSheep moved this topic from General on
@Schlicki2808 After seeing that has terrible ratings (1.7) on Trustpilot and co, I looked for alternatives. There is another provider that sends the Deutschlandticket on PDF: A first contact via email was very positive.
Edit: I have already received the Deuschland-Ticket for July as PDF.
Edit2: I really can recommend HSB for the Deutschland-Ticket. The purchase was easy. The email contact with HSB service was very friendly. I got the ticket as PDF file by email. It was easy to cancel the ticket subscription (I needed the ticket just for one month) with one mouse click from my HSB profile. I instantly got a confirmation of the cancellation by email. -
@GT Oh, thanks for the information. Then, I would go the same way, I think