@lool_lauris I downloaded hh_clamor_repartition.zip and inspected its shell scripts. They are very simple if you are familiar with Linux system administration. Just usage of "dd", "parted" and "make_ext4fs" utils. Looking at current partitioning I figured out that my Nexus was affected by hh_repartition_32GB.sh script and to rollback the changes I just need to run the hh_stock_32GB.sh and that is it.
Also before that for safety I did backup of crypto and grow partitions to my laptop because those scripts do that too.
RE: [Solved] Unable to complete manual installation of Ubuntu Touch
RE: [Solved] Unable to complete manual installation of Ubuntu Touch
@lool_lauris thank for your support! I managed to solve the problem! Previous device owner gave me this link. So I did the following:
- installed standard twrp version to recovery partition
- uploaded hh_clamor_repartition.zip script to the phone via adb sideload.
- run the script in recovery mode via "stock" command in terminal
After that I did successful Ubuntu Touch install via snap application.
Just for the case if someone will face the same problem I put the stock Nexus 5 32GB disk layout below:
~ # ./parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 GNU Parted 3.2 Using /dev/block/mmcblk0 Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands. (parted) p Model: MMC SEM32G (sd/mmc) Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 31.3GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: gpt Disk Flags: Number Start End Size File system Name Flags 1 524kB 67.6MB 67.1MB fat16 modem msftdata 2 67.6MB 68.7MB 1049kB sbl1 3 68.7MB 69.2MB 524kB rpm 4 69.2MB 69.7MB 524kB tz 5 69.7MB 70.3MB 524kB sdi 6 70.3MB 70.8MB 524kB aboot 7 70.8MB 72.9MB 2097kB pad msftdata 8 72.9MB 73.9MB 1049kB sbl1b 9 73.9MB 74.4MB 524kB tzb 10 74.4MB 75.0MB 524kB rpmb 11 75.0MB 75.5MB 524kB abootb 12 75.5MB 78.6MB 3146kB modemst1 13 78.6MB 81.8MB 3146kB modemst2 14 81.8MB 82.3MB 524kB metadata 15 82.3MB 99.1MB 16.8MB misc 16 99.1MB 116MB 16.8MB ext4 persist 17 116MB 119MB 3146kB imgdata 18 119MB 142MB 23.1MB laf 19 142MB 165MB 23.1MB boot 20 165MB 188MB 23.1MB recovery 21 188MB 191MB 3146kB fsg 22 191MB 192MB 524kB fsc 23 192MB 192MB 524kB ssd 24 192MB 193MB 524kB DDR 25 193MB 1267MB 1074MB system msftdata 26 1267MB 1298MB 31.5MB crypto msftdata 27 1298MB 2032MB 734MB cache msftdata 28 2032MB 31.3GB 29.2GB ext4 userdata msftdata 29 31.3GB 31.3GB 5632B grow msftdata
Thank you all for your time guys!
RE: [Solved] Unable to complete manual installation of Ubuntu Touch
@lool_lauris hi! Thanks for replay! I've tried this method but got an error
~ # hh_repart -r Chekcing size of partitions... -- Unknown partitions --
I will try to ask previous phone owner how he did this disk layout.
RE: [Solved] Unable to complete manual installation of Ubuntu Touch
I managed to find the real partitioning of my device. I got compiled disk utils from here and pushed them with ADB to the Nexus. Partitioning looks like this now:
~ # ./gdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0 GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.3 Partition table scan: MBR: protective BSD: not present APM: not present GPT: present Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT. Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 61071360 sectors, 29.1 GiB Sector size (logical/physical): 512/512 bytes Disk identifier (GUID): 98101B32-BBE2-4BF2-A06E-2BB33D000C20 Partition table holds up to 32 entries Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 9 First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 61071326 Partitions will be aligned on 1-sector boundaries Total free space is 990 sectors (495.0 KiB) Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name 1 1024 132095 64.0 MiB 0700 modem 2 132096 134143 1024.0 KiB FFFF sbl1 3 134144 135167 512.0 KiB FFFF rpm 4 135168 136191 512.0 KiB FFFF tz 5 136192 137215 512.0 KiB FFFF sdi 6 137216 138239 512.0 KiB FFFF aboot 7 138240 142335 2.0 MiB 0700 pad 8 142336 144383 1024.0 KiB FFFF sbl1b 9 144384 145407 512.0 KiB FFFF tzb 10 145408 146431 512.0 KiB FFFF rpmb 11 146432 147455 512.0 KiB FFFF abootb 12 147456 153599 3.0 MiB FFFF modemst1 13 153600 159743 3.0 MiB FFFF modemst2 14 159744 160767 512.0 KiB 8301 metadata 15 160768 193535 16.0 MiB FFFF misc 16 193536 226303 16.0 MiB 8300 persist 17 226304 232447 3.0 MiB FFFF imgdata 18 232448 277503 22.0 MiB FFFF laf 19 277504 322559 22.0 MiB FFFF boot 20 322560 367615 22.0 MiB FFFF recovery 21 367616 373759 3.0 MiB FFFF fsg 22 373760 374783 512.0 KiB FFFF fsc 23 374784 375807 512.0 KiB FFFF ssd 24 375808 376831 512.0 KiB FFFF DDR 25 376832 3522560 1.5 GiB 0700 system 26 3522561 4034560 250.0 MiB 0700 vendor 27 4034561 4096000 30.0 MiB 0700 crypto 28 4096001 4505600 200.0 MiB 0700 cache 29 4505601 61071315 27.0 GiB 0700 userdata 30 61071316 61071326 5.5 KiB 0700 grow
Could someone verify this output or share his own please? If 1.5 GiB system volume is Ok for Ubuntu Touch? Maybe something important is missing here? Also filesystem codes looks very strange to me... Sorry I'm completely noob at Android.
RE: [Solved] Unable to complete manual installation of Ubuntu Touch
Thank you for reply @Lakotaubp !
I already tried to clean up the partitions from Android actions and via CLIfastboot erase cache fastboot erase system fastboot erase userdata
but it does not help. Both snap and manual installations stop at the same place.
This Nexus 5 I bought from software developer, he used this device for testing of his apps and he used some custom Android version so the partitioning is probably the case. If I understand correctly it is impossible to find out the real partitioning from the outside of Android device. I definitely need to find the way to restore it!
Unfortunately I don't have a Telegram account right now, because I don't use any of smart phones -
[Solved] Unable to complete manual installation of Ubuntu Touch
Hi everyone!
I'm very new to Android devices and I'm trying to install Ubuntu Touch on used Nexus 5 which I bought recently. I do it manually because UBports Installer did not work for me (faced this bug). I'm doing everything from Ubuntu 19.10. Everything was fine until the final step:adb reboot recovery
After that installation process does not start and the phone just reboots back into UBports Recovery mode with empty /cache/recovery directory.
Before the reboot I cat validate that in /cache/recovery directory everything is OK:# adb shell "ls -l /cache/recovery" -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 59501792 Oct 16 2019 device-d10a57d78402d78226606f3912cf4e26c53f297fc70fcd8a3ccf1452660f45f3.tar.xz -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 473 Oct 16 2019 device-d10a57d78402d78226606f3912cf4e26c53f297fc70fcd8a3ccf1452660f45f3.tar.xz.asc -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 864 Apr 29 2019 image-master.tar.xz -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 473 Apr 29 2019 image-master.tar.xz.asc -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 900 Apr 29 2019 image-signing.tar.xz -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 473 Apr 29 2019 image-signing.tar.xz.asc -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1504 Apr 27 2017 keyring-4c4e7ef380ebcfa2c31084efa199138e93bfed8fc58aa3eb06bdf75a78af9b57.tar.xz -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 473 Apr 30 2019 keyring-4c4e7ef380ebcfa2c31084efa199138e93bfed8fc58aa3eb06bdf75a78af9b57.tar.xz.asc -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 386109304 Oct 16 2019 ubports-a1f443971032f2b6a03ed6f83d3340e026d59bfbe1625b259fb77eb05fa2b6a9.tar.xz -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 473 Oct 16 2019 ubports-a1f443971032f2b6a03ed6f83d3340e026d59bfbe1625b259fb77eb05fa2b6a9.tar.xz.asc -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 715 Dec 21 2019 ubuntu_command -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 460 Oct 23 2019 version-9.tar.xz -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 473 Oct 23 2019 version-9.tar.xz.asc
and the command file:
# adb shell "cat /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command" format system load_keyring image-master.tar.xz image-master.tar.xz.asc load_keyring image-signing.tar.xz image-signing.tar.xz.asc mount system update ubports-a1f443971032f2b6a03ed6f83d3340e026d59bfbe1625b259fb77eb05fa2b6a9.tar.xz ubports-a1f443971032f2b6a03ed6f83d3340e026d59bfbe1625b259fb77eb05fa2b6a9.tar.xz.asc update device-d10a57d78402d78226606f3912cf4e26c53f297fc70fcd8a3ccf1452660f45f3.tar.xz device-d10a57d78402d78226606f3912cf4e26c53f297fc70fcd8a3ccf1452660f45f3.tar.xz.asc update keyring-4c4e7ef380ebcfa2c31084efa199138e93bfed8fc58aa3eb06bdf75a78af9b57.tar.xz keyring-4c4e7ef380ebcfa2c31084efa199138e93bfed8fc58aa3eb06bdf75a78af9b57.tar.xz.asc update version-9.tar.xz version-9.tar.xz.asc unmount system
Any tips whould be appreciated! Thank you!