Hello UBports community.
I'm RP and I am a voice actor, and a recent adopter of Ubuntu Touch (like, 4 days ago) on a second-hand OnePlus One I ordered on eBay.
I've been a Xubuntu user for several years, and it's the main platform I work on except for digital audio workstation stuff where I need to dual boot to Windows 10 (though mainly because I don't know Audacity as well as I know some other proprietary platforms).
Since the RIM 950 I have only ever used BlackBerry mobile devices. Until Ubtuntu Touch came along, none of the BlackBerry knock offs looked especially appealing to me. And unlike so many other mobile Operating Systems, Ubuntu Touch doesn't set out to copy BlackBerry, it instead brings the existing magic of Ubuntu to the device in your hand(s). Glorious.
I am really enjoying the Ubuntu Touch experience, especially being able to SSH into it and hopefully not break it while running things like top and sftp and all that exciting stuff (only light sarcasm, I actually like that I can do those things on a pocket device, at long last).
There a list of things I'd like to see happen with Ubuntu Touch in the long run (SIP phone, SIP phone!), and I am sure everyone has one such list, but not being a developer, I know that at minimum I can sit on the sidelines and cheer the devs on.
(Just like that).
BUT, I'd like to be able to do more than that. If anyone here is a film-maker of any kind of rank, I'd be into comping my voice over services to help make instructional and promotional material for Ubuntu Touch. Comping as in... as a volunteer.
I'm also a half decent proof reader (as I go back to check this message for oopses... found one! edited....), and I am fluent in French so I can voice and proof-read in two languages. Maybe that's helpful. I'm not particularly talented at translation, mind you. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.
More about me and what pass for my accomplishments on my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rpthevoice/
Oh and I am also a media host, producer, and event / broadcast MC, and would be happy to comp those services for UBPorts / Ubuntu Touch initiatives too. You never know, IT COULD HAPPEN.
Looking forward to moving forward with this community. Was that too forward?