For all the Protonmail users out there, there is the option to request a native app developed for UT. Please vote it here: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483-feedback/suggestions/9564855-ubuntu-phone-touch-application and maybe we can gather enough momentum to see it a reality.

Vote for Protonmail native app
RE: Pinephone Rant
@flohack Couldn't we start a crowdfunding campaign like the one for the Anbox?
RE: Interested in Volla ubuntu
@jimpson I don't know which of the phones you have, mine is Volla X and I must say that it works almost flawless. Ocassional issues: 1 time/week it looses the LTE connection. After a reboot it should be ok, if not switch on 3G and lave it like the for an hour or so and switch back to 4G. Bluetooth has issues with paired devices: just Forget Device and reconnect again. Other than that, just the Notification LED, but these are minor issues, even Android devices face them once in a while.
RE: Bricked Volla X Phone
@doktorcaligari Happened the same to me when switching to RC channel. Contact @NotKit on Telegram on the https://t.me/vollaphonefan , he will provide you with the instructions to recover your phone.
RE: Bug Bounty Programs and Funding for Programs/bugs
@keneda Well, I don't know if you noticed, but there is a lack of developers. We need all hands on deck. Me, like other users, lack the programming skills, but we are willing to support the UT development financialy. Anbox was an example that it can be done.
RE: Volla Phone X in practice
@bluefroggie Volla Phone X user here: I can go almost 2 days with one charge without stress. Everything works except vibration and notification LED. I'm really pleased about it.