@flohack if you ever need a tester for a helium9 contact me id be happy to assist though
RE: Anbox Android App Install
RE: Anbox Android App Install
@flohack wish i had the smarts to help with this dev i love this platform so much , you and all the rest have done such wonderful work. Its just the few little things like ,anbox/waydroid or lack of monitermode that break my heart lol other then that i cant complain hopefully in time webwill seeball this up and running
RE: GPS not working
Gps works fine so long as im outsude ive had zero issues since i relized this, thank you to all that assisted me
RE: Wish list : which apps do you need?
Just like to see some apps fixed like wire secure messenger its all messed up on nexus 6p
RE: Anbox Android App Install
@flohack any idea on when waydroid will be rolling out for nexus 6p? And will it be installed with a update ir what?
RE: Nexus 6p sucess
@arubislander thank you ill adjust the settings in a moment
RE: GPS not working
@applee your correct it wokks outside got it working yesterday sorry for the late report and ty for the fyi
RE: GPS not working
@rocket2nfinity hope to see some fixes flohackk just messaged meband said to leave it on and wait so im gonna put a movie on and leave my phone plugged up and screen on and see if the gps locks correctly
RE: GPS not working
@flohack im gonna give that a shot and see if it works ill post later if it works or not thanks for the fyi
RE: GPS not working
@rocket2nfinity only issues ive had so far since my inital install yesterday is ,1 gps can not and will not find location, bluetooth wont even turn on when i flip the BT switch it goes byby and sometime if i open to many windows the screen locks up but the screen is not a big deal ive figured out to keep a max of about 4 open windows and there seems then to be no issue but the other two problems ugggg really sucks
RE: Bluetooth
@ubguy my bluetooth wont even stay on so idk , i just installed this on my n6p yesterday and as far as i can tell the only issues im having is the screen locking up time to tim,gps non functional and bluetooth. But my bluetooth when i flip the switch to turn it on it shuts right back off . Be cool to fix these little mishaps
RE: GPS not working
@rocket2nfinity well using t ut tweak tool just caused the screen to sit and load i had to hard reboot my phone, just tried with pur maps and still no sucess....ive tried two other map apps also no luck.....
RE: GPS not working
@rocket2nfinity ill give that a try right now considering ive rebooted and tried everything else ill let you know how it goes
RE: GPS not working
@lgtrombetta i am having the same issue reboot does not help wace you found a soultion?? No matter how long i wait it cant find gps
RE: Nexus 6p sucess
@cor3 also aside from the external wireless adapter id love to see the internal chipset working for injection as the nexus 6p chiset supports internal mon mode and injection that would just be a night in my shineing armor OMG
Nexus 6p sucess
After along waited development of ubports i finally decided to install ubuntu on my 6p the flash went flawless reverted to 7.1.2 stock booted twrp formatted all partitions and pulgged the phone to the pc and started the ubport installer, couldent have taken that long to install because i was only out of the house long enough to enjoy a left handed smoke,any way upon getting through the setup i relized that the vpn pannel in settings does not allow openvpn config so for those of you out there that may have a few questions they might be answerd here, anyway i just run the .opvn config in terminal with command “openvpn (.opvn confug name here) copy and paste is a bit sketchy at the moment so in the same dir as my .opvn configs i created a .txt file called auth-user-passpass.txt with only two lines fist line username second line pass and saved it in openvpn config when you open it there is a line that says auth-user-pass next to it i added user-auth-passpass.txt and saved it . From terminal running the command above to start openvpn loogged in a was good to go ,unfortunatly terminal has to STAY OPEN or connection drops. So moving on apt updates / dpkg lock by default are blocked and do auto updates via settings update so i had to use these commands to be able to one mount the system and two to keep the system read write
Sudo mount -o remount,rw/
Sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
Sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a
WaLa worked like a charm now ive seen posts about losing updates if you go about altering the system but i beg to differ because about 2 hours afterbi recived a update and phone rebotted to install it now installing or removing packages pre determined with the inital install may effect compatibality of updates and make tgem break so BE CAREFUL.
I pianobar just for the h3!! Of it and was pleased ti to see that i have full audio support running it on the 6p works gret connected in the car and home sterio ( (because who wants ads in there pandora music right lol;) **/)
Like i said above the only downfall to the terminal is that it has to remain on the screen open it would be nice to see a upgrade pass through where you can still have audio via terminal while having it in the background as of now its a bummer but the lux of it working mobile is awsome.
I did a breif run through of all the apps seems if you open to many windows you get a screen that like to freeze up some times closing the screen and openimg gives you enough time to swipe some windos closed so no reboot is required but initally before i figured this out it was boot ugg reboot etc over and over so long as you keep a min of like 4 windows open or less i havent had a issue
Alsi ive read that there is a core issue with this install and overheating as far as i can tell my phone tem has remained low and have not had a issue with this as others have said i moniterd my phones heat activitay all night using a thermal cam and it stayed with the same reasonable temp all night screen on running pianobar in terminal with several windows open in the back.
From what i can see ubports has come along way and i am impressed ,for years if flashed rom after rom this is gonma stay i have found my home rom lol;)
Now anbox wont run on nexus 6p so no android app support is avialble but im sure in the future a work around will come about
There is however a small bug in the libertain contaimer on here and ive had trouble removing imstalled apps within it and had to do it manually via terminal but i cant complain
Nedless to say on 6p it runs all the issues with gps,bluetooth etc as of now i have not seen nor noticed iv yet to try using nfc so im not sure as the results there but what i do know is a work in progress is just that...
Pretty sure ill be making a contribution because id love to see a full working and repeated system update for years to come on this dev
Now the external wifi adapter and adb not working is a bummer id love to see a fix for that asap consideringi ts most benifical in many ways although adb does work while the phone is on if rebooted to ubport recovery it seems to work as expected
As i said ive only been a user of this dev for about 30 hours and there is still roadblocks to be broken but as far as a every day useable phone it works like a charm,phone,sms,internet etc no issues
If there ever any questions hit me up i may be able to help im not a dev just a linux baby from ummm well the day it became
Thanks devs for all your time and work on this project i hope for years to come this project superseeds all expecatations and becomes a unervisal god on phones;)