@beyolf Good evening, thank you very much for your work on updating this group of phones to UT 20.04. I'm using Redmi Note 9 Pro and I've been wondering for the last few months if there is any solution to make Miatoll devices live again. I started using Redmi with UT as my first phone a few months ago. And now I'm happy that the process is back on track. Thanks a lot and I will be happy to test the new version of the system
RE: Miatoll devices UT Focal support
RE: Best smartphone to install UT on
@UTdroid Hello, UTdroid, as @zubozrout wrote, the list on the UBports site with 21 supported devices (today and with the Focal OS version) is the best source to check compatibility with Ubuntu Touch. I was making the same decision as you a year ago. Phones marked with an asterisk should be the safest option, as I understand they are strategic for the community. But for me all of them were hard to buy or simply I did not like them technically (maybe I was wrong). In the end, I chose the Redmi Note 9 Pro. The argument was high progress of implementation of full functionality (98.2% now). And it was a good move - the device works great and I am happy with it. Probably, regardless of your final decision, there is no 100% certainty that the specific port will be maintained, but it is natural for open community. Make your good choice and have fun with Ubuntu Touch
RE: Miatoll devices UT Focal support
@beyolf Hello! I will join the Telegram group with pleasure. Is Telegram the most convenient way for you to report potential problems? I've now successfully installed Focal devel and it is running without any problems. Once again many thanks and congratulations for maintaining the miatoll port within 6 days. As I wrote above, everything works very well - there is a visible graphical improvement and the OS runs much faster. In the agenda of things that could be worth considering, from my small experience with UT, are: time indicator on the bottom bar partially hidden by the round corner of the screen and the similar problem on the left side in horizontal view (but it is not a important bug, only esthetical); losing mobile coverage sometimes but without any notification (it is important, but I experienced this problem on Xenial, maybe it is solved on Focal); no MMS messages (medium important, on Xenial too, it had worked well in the beginning and ended later). And finally, I would like to point out that as a user of Ubuntu desktop for 10 years, I was happy to install UT. But I didn't think it would be easy to use the UT phone everyday / as a first phone. But it is possible. I use Redmi Note 9 Pro with Ubuntu Touch as my main phone since 3 months - and it works great.
RE: Miatoll devices UT Focal support
@beyolf Good evening. Everything is still going great at Focal. I just want to mention three points:
- A big advantage - after upgrading to Focal, I had not noticed any problem with losing mobile coverage without notification. This was sometimes a bug with Xenial, as I wrote earlier.
- The camera does not work after starting the app. It works if I kill the process and restart the app. This is a consistent issue.
- Not important, but you might want to know - with the Polish language in the system, there are a few places where I have English notices: keybord & time and date on the top bar, as well as the notification on the main screen before unlocking.
- And another advantage - the system reads the memory correctly. Xenial has doubled it.
I am using the latest r25 build. Have a nice Sunday!
RE: Miatoll devices UT Focal support
@beyolf Hello! With pleasure. I will definitely join the Telegram group. Thank you for the invitation. Have a good night too!