@Lakotaubp Sure that's fine with me. Thanks!
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@Lakotaubp Thank you for the reply. My apologies but I didn't see those options available. Are the same options available on the UBPorts Forum mobile app too, which is what I use on Ubuntu Touch?
RE: (Solved) I can't get the wifi working
@ToxyPoxy Did you double check the kill switches on the back?
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@Lakotaubp I'm using the Ubuntu Touch web app.... Where is the solved option? Thanks!
RE: Unable to update Pinephone Ubuntu Touch CE
@dcmken Now that wifI started working all of a sudden I've been able to update without issues.
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@ziggutas Thank you for the links. Messing with Pinephone more I was able to boot from the SD card and my wifI, the biggest issue I had, all of a sudden resolved itself last night. Not sure why or how but wifI seems very stable so far. yay!
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
I also got advice on the Matrix chat and I was told to keep rebooting, that it would eventually connect, but after about 10-15 reboots still no wifi
Not sure why.
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@Marathon2422 Unfortunately neither solution seems to work for wifi. When I look at wifi settings I don't even have an Ip address.
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@dcmken Typo I meant can't swap SIM cards now.
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@Marathon2422 An issue I'm having is that wifI says I'm connected in settings but it keeps asking for my password and the icon on notification bar shows no signal. I think this is an issue I saw some have but didn't see a solution. So unable to check for updates right now. Just have to dl newer image when that is solved. Unable to swap SD cards now.
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@kugiigi Thank you. So it is booting then. I'll try out the system to see what's working. To be clear even the Ubuntu Touch from the newest builds have the same build number as the stock image? Because that's what I'm getting.
RE: Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
@arubislander I flashed to the SD card and the OS files popped up on my computer. It's weird. I boot the system and it has me go through the set up as if its a new device so it seems lIke its booting the newer version but when I look at About Phone it tells me its the factory image with a build date of earlier this month. Not today's build that I downloaded. Anyone experience this? I've tried it 3 or 4 times now, same result.
Will the Pinephone Boot from SDcard?
Since updating through OTA isn't possible right now I'm trying to boot from an SD card. I put the card into the slot and reboot but it just boots into the preinstalled Ubuntu Touch. I had read it booted any bootable SD card automatically. Is that not the case? Is there something I need to do get it to boot?
RE: Unable to update Pinephone Ubuntu Touch CE
@Marathon2422 Thanks for the reply! With my phone carrier I can't just swap SIMS, I need to register each phone to connect it, so its a pain and time consuming and I have my Nexus 5 with UBTouch for now. I think I found a work around around. I'll use the updater to flash the newest version and choose the dev channel. I'll see if that works.
Unable to update Pinephone Ubuntu Touch CE
I got my Pinephone the other day but was having issues connecting to wifi (even after warm boot) and after switching to mobile I seemed to get a pretty stable connection with Metro T-Moblie, I could connect to websites and install apps but was unable to make or recieve calls ( it would ring but total silence on both ends) or update the system, or change update channel. Was hoping an update would help fix issues but was unable to do that. Switch channels just hangs with wheel spinning forever.
I took the output of ifconfig if that might help solve the issue. Thanks!