Uups, I've got very quick a friendly answer! He's no longer working to ubports but he will sent the question to the right persons. He answered that MDT is formating the device and it isn't possible that there are two images on the M10 FHD.
RE: M10FHD very long time to boot.
RE: M10FHD very long time to boot.
I've sent this to Marius Quabeck, I will tell it, if I get an answer.
RE: M10FHD very long time to boot.
Do you mean that the M10FHD boots first canonicals UT-Image and i a second step the ubports-image? If we are looking on the display during the device is starting up, i think your idea coold be right... Perhaps Marius Quabek can help....
RE: bq M10
@UKPhil Thanks for your answer, if I read your comment I should be a lucky guy with a running ubports on my BQ M10 FHD...
I've flashed my device by using my desktop-pc with ubuntu 16.04. LTS, a usb-cable und the "magic-device-tool". There was no problem, it works perfekt. Wipe and upload the image to the device without any trouble. I am really happy, because I am only a User and I don't understand what is happening behind the GUI ! When I start the device the first screen is the white screen "BQ powered by ubuntu" and it takes more than 2 minutes before the ubports-screen comes up. From this time the device boots quickly forward...
The OS ist ubports ubuntu 15.04 r1
By the way, it's the first time I am using a forum and post something, perhaps can your remove my posting to the right place...
RE: bq M10
Hello everyone! I've flashed my BQ M10 FHD successfull with MDT to ubports image and it works well, BUT the time for booting the device ist more then 3 minutes !!! Can't wait soooo long. Is that problem only on my BG or does anyone kwows how to solve that problem? (sorry for my bad english)