@Bouleetbil Hi, do you see it behave better than libertine?
RE: Howto : chroot debian with X support instead libertine ubuntu
@arubislander Your suggestions were very helpful. At least I can connect somehow to vpn. Thank you!
@arubislander Current status is connectoins via wireguard are working for me but DNS does not. I have no idea how to make it work. Trying to connect by ip address works.
@arubislander I have no idea why, on my device it doesn't work. I follow tutorial, followed import command and result stays as it was. Do you know why password to vpn keeps disappearing maybe?
@arubislander I have used
nmcli connection import type wireguard file "<path/to/file.ovpn>" and it did create connection. I have some difficulties with managing routing after connections are reset but I'm not stuck and this is work in progress. This isn't visible in GUI, only in terminal -
@arubislander I have no idea why openvpn connection didn't work for me. But I have used the instruction you suggested to import wireguard configuration and it did work perfectly.
That is all I needed. Thank you for your help!!! -
@arubislander Thank you very much for the import suggestion. I had no idea such option exists :).
I tried it and first - it didn't connect because of no password saved.
I did the password-flags=0 + [vpn-secrets] config change to store password (btw do you know how to make system remember password without need to do this change?) but then connection takes long time and ends with a timeout.
I have waydroid with protonvpn app on the same device and it can open vpn from there without problems so for sure it is not real issue with host being unreachable.Did you have similar problems with connection?
I'm trying to repeat steps in vpn tutorials for protonvpn but it just doesn't work. Either "no password" which I handle with adding [vpn-secrets] but then timeout on connection. I have extracted ca.crt and tls.key from ovpn file (there were no more certificates there). Did anybody succeed setting up proton vpn in 2023 ?