@aspergerguy Hi, I'm also having trouble with a device that had SFOS. Can you tell me where you downloaded the stock xperia images from? There seem to be suspicious sites around.
RE: Ubuntu Touch on Sony Xperia X
Caldav sync
Re: Sync caldav calendar
My posteo calendar hasn't been syncing for a while now. Is this a known issue? TIA
N5, tried on stable and dev -
Skype webapp
I tried calling someone on skype today: the flashlight came on, the clock app opened, a 'webapp container' window opened and after 2 minutes the call crashed. Maybe I was "holding the phone the wrong way"! Audio quality was good. Has anybody else experienced this?
RE: Pinephone tutorial
Does it matter which fs the SD card is formatted to? and is there a cap to the size permitted?
RE: Pinephone tutorial
and one more question, how are updates done, from within the OS or by reflashing every time?
RE: Pinephone tutorial
@UniSuperBox Sounds great! But what do you mean by 'boot'? Power on or an adb command? Can my IT-allergic friends do this?
Pinephone tutorial
Like many UT users, I would love to have a Pinephone and it now seems that the Braveheart edition will be fairly close to the mass-produced version. The only thing stopping me from ordering on Nov 15 is the difficulty of getting the UT image on to the device. Could someone provide more details about this? I'm prepared to get my hands dirty but lack expertise. If someone could do a tutorial or a video to show exactly what is needed (assume no knowledge!) then plenty of people would support the project.
RE: Import gpx to opentopomap
Update, finally got round to trying to import the gpx to opentopomap.org directly to morph...works! But performs very sluggishly on my N5. As an alternative, Activity Tracker seems to make trace files ok without draining battery too much and I can import other people's gpx files there too...so problem solved.
RE: Import gpx to opentopomap
Thanks for the suggestion...didn't help much: what is a "valid time stamp"? I can import the same file into opentopomap.org on my pc.
Import gpx to opentopomap
I want to import a gpx to opentopomap but when I navigate to the file with file manager from the content hub the app closes (stable channel, now on RC unity crashes). Is there a way to do this? TIA
RE: paste from pc to home folders over usb
I've just tried transferring files on Manjaro, works fine both ways, so this is Antergos specific. I had similar problems with my printer.
RE: paste from pc to home folders over usb
@3arn0wl I can see the files and paste into folders, but if I try to drag or copy/paste to my pc I get "Could not read file /Nexus 5/Nexus 5/Pictures......". Running Antergos arch linux, cable's ok.
RE: paste from pc to home folders over usb
@marklynch Ooops, sorry, too much multitasking! I meant the opposite: I can't copy files from the phone to the pc.
paste from pc to home folders over usb
Hi, I can copy files from my N5 to my pc over usb, but I can't paste into the phone's home folders. Is this possible? TIA
RE: Import contacts from sim failed
Thanks Jezek, good idea....but, this was a nexus 5 and now appears dead. It always had problems booting, sometimes taking 3 attempts, either stuck on google or on a blank screen. Now it does nothing and won't boot into recovery.
RE: Import contacts from sim failed
yes, that's what I was trying, but it says 'failed to read sim card'. I put it back in my other phone and it said 'sim damaged, reformat', so I took it out and cleaned it and now it's fine in the android but still not importing in UT.
Import contacts from sim failed
Hi gurus, I've just moved to UT, but I can't import phone contacts from my sim. Can I drop the vcf file in somewhere, or is there another way round? TIA